July 18, 2018

What Makeup Companies May Not Want You to Know About Contouring

Frustrated that your makeup doesn’t give your face the contoured appearance you are looking for? Tired of washing it off before bedtime, only to re-apply it again the next day? The bottom line is that makeup may not be the best way to contour and define your face. Instead, more effective, and longer lasting, results can be achieved with non-surgical cosmetic filler injection treatments. Here are the answers to the four questions you asked about facial contouring with non-surgical cosmetic fillers. What is facial contouring with cosmetic fillers? Simply put, facial contouring with cosmetic fillers is a non-surgical method of treating specific areas of the face with cosmetic filler injections to restore lost support, defining the margins and enhancing the edges of its features. Does facial contouring with cosmetic fillers make the face appear thinner, and how does it beautify the face? Dermal fillers can improve the definition of the…