March 7, 2019

- why the cannula is the secret to successful non-surgical eye bag treatments: what nobody told you - verve cosmetics nyc

Why the Cannula is the Secret to Successful Non-Surgical Eye Bag Treatments: What Nobody Told You

Non-surgical, injectable treatments are a top choice for the removal of eye bags and dark under eye circles. A premier expert in the field and the developer of the EyeRise™ treatment, I am often amazed by the amount of “missing” information about these treatments out there. It is difficult for anyone to manage the proper research on the topic. One of the biggest myths concerns the best device needed to perform these treatments, it is not a needle as popularly believed, but rather a cannula. The goal of an under eye bag treatment like EyeRise(™) is to reduce the depth of under eye creases by placing fillers under the skin to re-support it and lift it from underneath. The overall objective is to place the skin back to its natural position, rather than move the skin to a new position as with surgery. The key to getting the best results…