Eyebag Treatments: 5 Options

There are many approaches to treating under eye bags. Medical based treatments like cosmetic fillers or surgery provide more long-term solutions while less expensive home remedies provide only partial or temporary relief. Under-eye bags form as we age because our skin sags and folds as we lose the bone, muscle, and fat below the skin, known as the foundation of the face. Cosmetic fillers provide a natural-appearing solution because fillers directly address this loss of foundation. Below we explore five popular treatments for under-eye bags and their ability to provide either long-term or temporary relief.

OPTION 1: Non-surgical cosmetic fillers

During a cosmetic filler procedure, a combination of Hyaluronic Acid fillers & Firm Fillers types are placed under the skin to fill in the lost foundation. The goal of fillers is to lift the skin back to its original position, reducing or eliminating the appearance of under-eye bags. Cosmetic fillers address the loss of foundation directly and provide a long-term solution without removing any tissue. Fillers are not permanent and allow for yearly adjustments to maintain the results while you continue to age.

OPTION 2: surgery, under-eye blepharoplasty

During a surgical blepharoplasty procedure, the skin and tissue in the under-eye area are cut and repositioned so the appearance of eyebags is less pronounced. Surgery does not address the loss of foundation but instead uses cutting to reconstruct the position of the sagging skin. Patients may choose surgery because they may think surgery offers a permanent solution, however, repeat surgery may be necessary in the future as the aging process continues and the skin under the eyes continues to sag and fold.

OPTION 3: Home remedy, cool tea bags

This popular home remedy is the placement of cool tea bags or cool gel packs on the under-eye area. The cold temporarily causes vasoconstriction, a reduction of blood flow to the area. The reduced blood flow may temporarily reduce the fluid under the eyes and eye bags may look better for a short time, usually an hour or less. This is a low-cost treatment but the treatment does not address the loss of foundation and is not a long term solution to the problem.

OPTION 4: Reducing salt intake – reduces over hydration

A high salt intake the previous day can result in over hydration, more water retention than normal, which can cause the under-eye area to look puffy. Reducing your salt intake on a regular basis may reduce over hydration puffiness in the under-eye area. However, reducing over hydration will not solve the more significant cause of under-eye bags, the loss of foundation below the skin and is not a long-term solution to the problem.

OPTION 5: Reduce alcohol – reduces dehydration

Excessive alcohol consumption causes dehydration and less water retention than normal. Dehydration in the under-eyes area may cause the skin to sag further. Reducing alcohol intake helps maintain a normal hydration level, which may decrease under-eye sagging skin, but does not address the loss of foundation, and is not a long-term solution to the problem.