Are Allergies Causing My Under-Eye Bags? Reducing Puffy Eyes and Getting Rid of Bags
The appearance of under eye bags can be caused by a number of things including stress, lack of sleep, and allergy symptoms. There are many ways that allergies can enhance bags or dark circles around the eye as well as cause swelling or puffiness in the area. Inflammation, Fluid Retention, and Puffy Under-Eye Bags Allergic reactions in the body can lead to puffiness, excess fluid, and swelling around and beneath the eyes, worsening the appearance of under-eye bags. Essentially, the body’s immune response triggers inflammation and swelling, contributing to a puffy under-eye area and accentuating bags or dark circles. Allergies Impact on Sleep Quality Allergies can significantly impact sleep quality, which, in turn, can exacerbate congestion and inflammation, ultimately affecting the appearance of bags under the eyes. A lack of sleep disrupts the body’s natural fluid rebalancing and detoxification processes, which may make the area around the eye become swollen. …