Customized Dermal Filler Treatments: Achieving Natural Results
Dermal fillers are materials that are injected into or below the skin to make improvements in people’s appearances, however they do a lot more than just fill and correct volume loss. Fillers come in different forms: soft and firm, and in the right combination and amounts can contour the face and provide changes that are long-lasting and natural-looking. The magic however is not in the cosmetic filler treatment plan, but more importantly in the eyes and hands of the provider. Fillers are based on science, results however are an art form. The key concept is that the skin on our face is supported by soft tissues (fat), intermediate firmness tissue (muscle, collagen and elastin) and mainly supported by the firm tissues of our bones and teeth. There is a balance in our face with these supportive tissues that is associated with a youthful, healthy and rested appearance. Too much soft…