medical cosmetics

Sculptra®Aesthetic: One Way to Look Great, Not Fake

Good things come to those who wait. That is the case with Sculptra®Aesthetic; an injectable cosmetic that works like a derma filler overtime. Unlike Juvederm or RADIESSE, two very popular skin plumping options that provide immediate results, Sculptra®Aesthetic works slowly to gradually replace the collagen that time has taken away while reinforcing your skin’s structure. Many of our patients appreciate how this injectable cosmetic gradually and subtly corrects wrinkles while producing a refined and more youthful appearance that can last for up to two years. Sculptra® Aesthetic is perfect for correcting shallow to deep smile lines; marionette lines, and those dreaded chin wrinkles.  On average three injection sessions are needed over a three month period but sometimes one or two injections does the trick. It all depends on the current condition of your skin. To learn more about this treatment schedule a free consultation so we discuss the best treatment…

Medical Cosmetic Solutions for Crow's Feet

Whoever said laughter is the best medicine did not have crow’s feet, those pesky lines that start at the outer corner of the eye and over time fans out and deepens.  The condition for most adults is the first sign of aging. This is because the eye and temple area have less collagen than the rest of the face, and this effect’s the skin’s elasticity. To add insult to injury, this fragile area is prone to sun damage and deteriorates further based on unhealthy habits and poor skincare. Even if you do everything “right” — wear sun block, skip squinting, and vow to never smile again you can’t prevent volume loss, another culprit responsible for this condition. Thankfully, Verve Medical Cosmetics is armed to the teeth with wrinkle fighting solutions. Our arsenal includes: Botox Cosmetic, a powerful medicine that blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles which softens and often…

Intentions for Prevention

We are now into the second month of the New Year, and I have to ask — how many of you stuck to that New Year’s resolution you made about eating better and exercising more? Show of hands please? Hmmm, I thought so. Okay, don’t beat yourself up. Good intentions can pave the way to great health if you take things one-step at a time. Let me brag for a moment. I am vegetarian and amateur athlete. I don’t smoke, I drink in moderation, and yes, I make sure I have plenty of water each day. Nevertheless, it took time to establish healthy habits and make it a part of my everyday life, and I did it in baby steps and so can you. Vow to walk at least once per week and build from there.  Take measures to cut processed foods one meal at a time. Keep a journal…

How To Be A Younger Fresher You, Part Two

As we mentioned in our post on Tuesday, outside of medical cosmetics there are many things you can do to not only look your best but also look younger and healthier. Below are just a few more steps that anyone can do to start looking great at any age. Remember being told not to hunch when you were a child?  Well correct posture will keep your body aligned and healthy, makes you appear a few pounds lighter, plus projects an air of confidence. So sit and stand up straight, don’t hunch your shoulders (which can make you look eons older) and hold your head up high! We all know how important exercise is but for those who don’t work out much it can be intimidating.  You don’t have to go out and run a few miles at the crack dawn everyday. Just start working in some strength training and stretching…