Treating Ozempic Face Sagging Skin with Dermal Fillers | Restoring Lost Facial Fat Support without Plastic Surgery
Welcome to non-surgical facial rejuvenation, a dynamic field that addresses challenges such as those posed by weight loss medications like Ozempic. Today, we delve into advanced solutions like the Eyerise and Baselift filler procedures, designed to reverse facial fat loss and counteract the effects of taking Ozempic, often termed “Ozempic face.” The Science of Aging and Facial Structure Aging naturally impacts not only the skin, but significantly the tissues under the skin such as muscle, fat, and bone as well as collagen and elastin. Taking semaglutide medications like Ozempic accelerates these facial changes, especially with fat and muscle loss in the face – leading to significant facial volume loss. These areas, especially affected by rapid weight loss, lose their youthful fullness, altering facial aesthetics dramatically. This leads to significant foundation loss in the face, resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles. A well-supported facial structure is key to aesthetic vibrancy and…