Sculptra and Radiesse: What are the Differences Between these Dermal Fillers?
Radiesse and Sculptra are both dermal fillers as well as collagen biostimulators that help to restore lost volume in the desired area. These two fillers (Sculptra or Radiesse) can be used to treat wrinkles and deep folds to reverse signs of aging, but what is the difference between these two injectable fillers, and how can they be used together to achieve optimal results with minimal downtime? Both are injected below the skin to stimulate a foreign body inflammatory response . Key Difference between Sculptra and Radiesse The key difference between Radiesse filler and Sculptra filler lies in their action mechanisms. Radiesse comprises calcium hydroxylapatite particles that not only lift mechanically but also stimulate new tissue growth, such as collagen, elastin, and new blood vessels called angiogenesis. Its dual action is ideal for immediate effects and regenerative tissue growth, lasting over a year. Sculptra, in comparison, is considered a seed that gradually stimulates…