What is the Best Cosmetic Filler to Treat Under Eye Bags? There is no one size fits all filler treatment for under-eye bags. Cosmetic fillers, the most popular non-surgical treatment for under eye-bags, are most effective when a “customized combination” is used to treat the entire area around the eyes, and when the treatment is performed by a physician specializing exclusively in injectable arts. What Types of Fillers Are Used to Treat Under Eye Bags? There are two types of fillers, softer hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, and firmer fillers. Each filler type treats a specific part of the area under and surrounding the eye. Softer HA fillers including Restylane, Belotero, Juvederm, and Versa are most effective in treating the area closest to the eyes (tear trough area). Firmer fillers including Radiesse, and Sculptra are the best fillers for support below the eyes in the mid-face (the malar region). Knowing how…