BaseLift™ Treatment

BASELIFT is a non-surgical and artistically administered face filler treatment by Dr. Stephen Bracci exclusively at VERVE New York City, New Jersey and Miami.

Schedule Your BaseLift™ Treatment or Consultation Today!

Non-Surgical Facelift

What is BaseLift™?

BaseLift is the trademarked non-surgical facelift procedure created by injectables expert Dr. Stephen Bracci and performed exclusively at Verve.

The procedure uses cosmetic fillers to lift sagging skin and restore the natural shape of the face. The BaseLift treatment sculpts the face back to its original form while maintaining a natural look. Unlike a surgical facelift during BaseLift, there is no surgical cutting, removal, or repositioning of the tissues and no stretching of the skin.



Predicated solely on the use of artistically injected cosmetic fillers by an expert. The BASELIFT uses a more advanced cannula injection technique to ensure artistic contouring and minimize bruising. No surgical cutting, No devices, no surgery, no PDO threads.


Because BASELIFT uses dermal fillers, results are seen immediately. Dermal fillers are the only non-surgical aesthetic treatments that produce immediate results.


Patients receive a complete facial evaluation. Each procedure is customized Patients return after the first Treatment for follow-ups to ensure results are optimized. There is NEVER a one size fits all treatment with fillers. The whole face is considered.


Dr. Stephen Bracci uses a combination of fillers with a focus on the longer lasting Radiesse and Sculptra fillers that provide regenerative biostimulation. A $500 annual gift card is provided to Each BASELIFT patient to maintain results.


The trademarked BASELIFT is customized and based on the advanced artistic facial sculpting techniques of Dr. Stephen Bracci.

A BASELIFT with Cosmetic Injectables can do so much!

Contour your jawline

Plump and contour your cheekbones

Lift replace lost volume for full or partial facial sagging

Fill age lines around the mouth

Who is a Candidate?

A complimentary consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci will determine if you
are a candidate for the non-surgical BASELIFT. At one time, a facelift, which required cutting, stretching, and pulling of the skin, was the only option for men and women to look younger.
Now, the non-surgical option of BASELIFT simply replaces the lost volume, producing a more natural look.

How Long Do Results From BaseLift™ Last?

BASELIFT results may last for a year or several years. Individual results will vary.
Over time, the biostimulation effects of the Radiesse and Sculptra fillers will take effect.
Yearly maintenance may be required to maintain results. An annual $500 loyalty reward credit for your BASELIFT maintenance visit is mailed to each patient annually. No membership is required.

Procedures at VERVE are Customized to the needs of each patient. There is no one size fits all.

Prices will range accordingly depending on your facial sagging condition and facial contouring goals. A complimentary facial anatomy review by Dr. Stephen Bracci will determine a plan for the best and optimal results.


start between $799 and $999 depending on the type of filler and area injected. This includes such areas as lips or nasolabial folds.


starts at $4499 (includes follow up visits and $500 annual maintenance)


BASELIFT starts at $7999 (includes follow up visits and $500 annual maintenance)


Verve believes that you should buy what you need and not be forced into monthly membership fees. For this reason and for the past 23 years, we have provided our patients with cost-saving annual loyalty discounts throughout the year to help maintain and achieve their personal goals.


Save up to $400 on neurotoxins Botox and Xeomin when you purchase 60 to 100 units. New and current clients can buy now and bank units for use later.

VERVE understands the frequency of neurotoxin injections and provides these savings all year round. No membership required.

3 Locations in Manhattan, New Jersey & Miami, FL

Verve Studio

Verve Medical Cosmetics’ private townhouse is located on East 60th street between 2nd and 3rd avenue. Our New York office is situated in the heart of Manhattan just steps away from Bloomingdales and Serendipity.

Schedule Your BaseLift™ Treatment or Consultation Today!