Sculptra Butt Lift: Guide to the Sculptra BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) Practicing For Over Two Decades, Dr. Stephen Bracci Is A Leading Physician And Pioneer In The Advancement Of Age-Reversing Aesthetics. Verve Medical Cosmetics Offers The Most Focused Non-Surgical Solutions. Mon, 22 Apr 2024 17:03:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sculptra Butt Lift: Guide to the Sculptra BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) 32 32 Sculptra Butt Lift: Guide to the Sculptra BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) Mon, 22 Apr 2024 12:00:17 +0000

Introduction to Non-Surgical Butt Augmentation

The allure of an aesthetically pleasing silhouette has led to the rise of non-surgical butt augmentation options, among which butt fillers have become increasingly favored. This trend mirrors a broader shift towards less invasive cosmetic enhancements, where individuals seek significant improvements without the extended downtime or risks associated with traditional surgery. The Sculptra Butt Lift, leveraging the unique properties of poly-L-lactic acid, stands at the forefront of this movement, offering a blend of gradual, natural-looking enhancements and longevity that few treatments can match. 

The Science Behind Sculptra Injections

Sculptra distinguishes itself from other dermal fillers through its mechanism of action. Unlike immediate fillers that merely add volume, Sculptra acts as a collagen stimulator, gradually rebuilding the body’s natural collagen networks within the treated area. This process not only enhances volume, making the buttocks fuller, but also improves the skin’s overall texture and resilience, contributing to a more youthful and uplifted appearance.

Sculptra Butt Lift Insight

A Sculptra Butt Lift begins with an in-depth consultation where a qualified provider assesses the patient’s anatomical structure, discusses aesthetic goals, and outlines a custom treatment plan. This personalized approach ensures that the enhancements complement the patient’s natural body shape, achieving a harmonious and balanced result. The injection technique is pivotal; experienced providers utilize strategic placement – usually with a cannula , to maximize volume increase and sculpt the desired contour, all while ensuring patient comfort and safety.

The Edge of a Sculptra BBL Over Plastic Surgery Alternatives

Opting for Sculptra comes with a lot of benefits. The non-surgical nature of the treatment means individuals can avoid the scars, risks, and lengthy recovery times often associated with traditional plastic surgery Brazilian Butt Lifts. Moreover, the gradual improvement seen with Sculptra allows for adjustments over time, ensuring results that evolve naturally with the patient’s body.

Filler Candidacy and Personal Goals

Sculptra Butt Lift is ideal for individuals seeking to enhance their buttocks’ appearance subtly and naturally. It appeals to those wary of the artificial look or feel that can sometimes accompany implants. Health considerations, lifestyle factors, and a clear understanding of the cosmetic procedures scope are crucial in determining suitability and setting realistic expectations for the outcome.

 Navigating Through the Dermal Filler Treatment Experience

Pre-treatment preparation involves adhering to provider guidelines to ensure optimal results. The injection session itself is relatively quick, with minimal discomfort thanks to localized anesthesia and use of a cannula. Aftercare is straightforward, focusing on gentle massages and avoiding strenuous activities to facilitate healing and encourage even collagen distribution.

Understanding the Risks and Managing Expectations of a Sculptra Butt Lift Treatment

While Sculptra is safe, with thousands of successful treatment sessions worldwide, potential side effects like temporary bruising or swelling may occur. The procedure’s non-permanent nature means follow up treatments  are often necessary for most people treated to maintain the results .

Investing in Your Appearance

The cost of a Sculptra Butt Lift is influenced by various factors, including the volume of product needed (number of vials) and the provider’s expertise. While it represents an investment, many find the expense justifiable, given the transformative results and absence of surgical risks. Interesting enough, often providers with the greatest experience have product cost savings which they commonly share with their patients .

Selecting the Right Specialist for a Non Surgical Butt Lift Procedure

The choice of provider is paramount. Credentials, experience, and a portfolio of successful before and after  treatments are indicators of a provider’s ability to deliver desired outcomes. A thorough consultation offers insights into the procedure and fosters a mutual understanding of the aesthetic goals.

Celebrating Patient Successes 

Testimonials from those who have experienced the transformative effects of a Sculptra Butt Lift firsthand offer compelling evidence of its efficacy. These stories, along with before-and-after photos, provide prospective patients with a realistic preview of the potential results, fostering confidence in their decision to pursue treatment.

Embracing a Tailored Enhancement Approach

 The Sculptra Butt Lift exemplifies the personalized nature of modern cosmetic treatments. Each procedure is adapted to fit the individual’s unique body type and aesthetic aspirations, ensuring enhancements that feel as natural as they look. This customized approach is key to achieving outcomes that patients love, highlighting the skill and artistry involved in every treatment.

Navigating FAQs

Addressing common inquiries about the Sculptra Butt Lift is essential. This segment helps demystify the procedure for those considering it, clarifying aspects like the expected duration of results, the typical recovery timeline, and how it compares to other augmentation options. By providing clear, comprehensive answers, potential patients can make informed decisions about their path to aesthetic enhancement. 

A Harmonious Blend of Art and Science

The Sculptra Butt Lift stands as a testament to the advances in cosmetic medicine, offering a safe, effective, and minimally invasive option for buttock enhancement. Its ability to harmonize with the body’s natural processes, promoting collagen production for lasting volume increase, makes it an appealing choice for thosE seeking subtle, natural enhancements. As the popularity of non-surgical procedures continues to grow, the Sculptra Butt Lift exemplifies how innovation and patient-centered care come together to create results that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also enduring and harmonious with each individual’s physique.

Choosing the right provider is crucial in this transformative journey. A skilled practitioner will not only ensure optimal outcomes but also a safe, comfortable experience. It’s about finding a balance between artistry and medical expertise, where the provider’s understanding of body contours and aesthetics meets rigorous medical training. The initial consultation is an opportunity to build trust, set realistic expectations, and discuss the nuances of the procedure, ensuring that patients feel informed and confident in their decision to proceed.

Beyond the physical enhancement, the Sculptra Butt Lift journey is deeply personal. It’s a step towards aligning one’s external appearance with their internal perception of beauty and confidence. The procedure’s ability to subtly augment and refine the buttocks area has a profound impact on self-esteem and body image for many individuals. This psychological aspect is an integral part of the treatment’s appeal, offering not just a physical transformation but an emotional uplift as well.

In terms of maintenance, the longevity of the Sculptra Butt Lift results encourages a long-term perspective on beauty and wellness. Sculptra can have a persistent effect for up to two years, . 

While the initial treatment series provides a significant enhancement, periodic touch-ups can maintain the desired volume and contour. This ongoing relationship with the provider allows for adjustments and refinements over time, adapting to the body’s natural aging process and ensuring that the results continue to align with the patient’s evolving aesthetic goals.

Financial considerations play a role in the decision-making process for many patients. Understanding the cost structure, including the factors that influence pricing, helps demystify the investment involved in a Sculptra Butt Lift. While the upfront cost may be higher than some other cosmetic treatments, the durability of the results and the lack of significant downtime present a compelling value proposition. Additionally, financing options and flexible payment plans offered by many clinics can make the procedure accessible to a broader audience.

How much is Sculptra for Buttocks?  

Sculptra is usually sold as a bundle or package where by a session may include a starting amount of 5 vials – which is currently priced at least $5,000.

Pricing for a Sculptra Butt Lift is based on when this article was written (March 2024). For the most up to date pricing please check our Non-Surgical BBL Service Page 

As we conclude this exploration of the Sculptra Butt Lift, it’s clear that the procedure is more than just a cosmetic enhancement—it’s a testament to the advancements in non-surgical aesthetic treatments. By offering a safe, effective, and personalized option for buttock augmentation, Sculptra empowers individuals to achieve their desired silhouette without the need for invasive surgery. With the right approach, informed decision-making, and ongoing care, the Sculptra Butt Lift can be a rewarding journey towards achieving not only a more attractive physique but also a renewed sense of confidence and well-being.

In the landscape of cosmetic enhancements, the Sculptra Butt Lift stands out as a beacon of innovation, blending scientific understanding with an appreciation for natural beauty. For those considering this treatment, it represents a pathway to achieving their aesthetic aspirations, supported by the expertise of dedicated professionals. As the field of cosmetic medicine continues to evolve, the Sculptra Butt Lift will undoubtedly remain a favored choice for individuals seeking to enhance their appearance with subtlety, safety, and sophistication.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci 


1. What is a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • A non-surgical procedure that uses Sculptra injections to enhance the buttocks shape ,volume and contour  by stimulating  collagen production.

2. How do Sculptra injections work?

  •  Sculptra is made from poly-L-lactic acid PLLA, which stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, gradually increasing volume in the treated area over time

3. What makes Sculptra different from other plastic surgeon butt augmentation options such as a brazilian butt lift fat transfer? 

  • Unlike immediate fillers or surgical options like implants, Sculptra offers a more natural-looking enhancement and works by promoting the body’s collagen production

4. Who is an ideal candidate for a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • Individuals looking for subtle enhancement without surgery, who have realistic expectations and are in good overall health

5. How many treatments will I need?

  • The number of treatments varies depending on the individuals goals , and existing volume, as well as the number of vials applied per session – but typically ranges from 2 to 3 sessions

6. What is the duration of the effects of a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • Results can last up to two years or more, but individual experiences may vary

7. Is the procedure painful?

  • Discomfort is generally minimal, as topical anesthesia can be used to numb the treatment area before injections

8. What is the downtime associated with a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  •   There is minimal downtime Most people can return to their regular activities immediately, with some precautions to avoid strenuous exercise for a few days

9. Are there any side effects?

  • Common side effects include temporary swelling, bruising, and tenderness at the injection site Rare complications can include nodules or asymmetry

10. How soon will I see results?

  • Results develop gradually over several months as collagen production increases, with most patients seeing some noticeable improvements after a few weeks

11. Will I need maintenance treatments?

  • To maintain the desired volume and results, some individuals opt for follow-up or so called “touch up” treatments after the initial effects begin to diminish

12. How much does a Sculptra Butt Lift cost?

  • Costs vary based on the number of vials needed, provider expertise, and geographic location A consultation is necessary for an accurate quote. Keep in mind some of the best offerings come from the most experienced providers.


13. How should I prepare for the procedure?

  • Follow your providers pre-treatment instructions, which may include avoiding certain medications or supplements that can increase bruising

14. How do I choose the right provider for a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • Look for a qualified and experienced provider with a track record of successful Sculptra treatments, particularly for buttock enhancements and of course visualize before and after photos.

15. Can Sculptra Butt Lift be combined with other treatments?

  • Yes, it can be combined with other treatments like cellulite reduction procedures for comprehensive enhancement

16. What is the recovery process like?

  • Recovery is typically easy, with some patients experiencing mild soreness Its recommended to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your provider

17. How can I ensure the best results from my Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • Choosing an experienced provider, following aftercare instructions, and keeping up with any recommended follow-up treatments are key

18. Can Sculptra injections be reversed or removed?

  •   No, once injected, Sculptra cannot be removed, but its effects will gradually diminish over time as the body absorbs the PLLA

19. Is Sculptra safe?

  • Yes, when administered by a trained professional, Sculptra is safe and FDA-approved for facial enhancements and used in an  off label manner for the buttox area .

20. Where can I see before and after photos of Sculptra Butt Lift results?

  • Before and after photos can typically be viewed during your consultation with a cosmetic provider or on their website or social media platforms


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Lip Flip VS Lip Filler: What is a Botox lip flip and how does it differ from lip fillers? Tue, 02 Apr 2024 12:00:21 +0000

The Botox lip flip has emerged as a popular cosmetic procedure for those seeking a natural-looking lip enhancement without the added volume that comes with fillers. This technique uses Botox, a brand name for botulinum toxin, to create the illusion of fuller, more pronounced lips by relaxing the muscles around the mouth. Other brand names of botulinum toxins that can be used are Xeomin, Jeveau, Dysport or Daxify.

 This method is distinct from traditional lip fillers, which physically augment lip size and shape by injecting substances like hyaluronic acid. Understanding the nuances of the Botox lip flip and how it contrasts with fillers can help individuals make informed decisions about which option best suits their aesthetic goals.

Botox Lip Flip Treatment Explained

The lip flip procedure involves the precise injection of Botox into the orbicularis oris muscle, which encircles the mouth. By carefully targeting this muscle, Botox temporarily relaxes it, reducing its strength and ability to contract. This relaxation allows the top lip to gently roll outward and upward, creating the appearance of a slightly fuller lip without adding any volume. The effect can be a more pronounced cupid’s bow and a fuller appearance of the upper lip , which can give the illusion of increased upper lip projection. 

One of the key benefits of the Botox lip flip is its subtlety. It’s an excellent option for individuals looking for a minor adjustment to their lip’s appearance rather than a dramatic change. Additionally, the procedure is quick, usually taking only a few minutes, and requires minimal downtime, allowing patients to typically return to their daily activities immediately.

Difference Between a Lip Flip VS Lip Fillers

While the Botox lip flip focuses on altering muscle pull and  creates the illusion of fullness, lip fillers physically increase the lips’ size and shape by adding volume. Dermal fillers, typically made from hyaluronic acid, are injected directly into the lips, where they attract moisture and plump up the tissue. This can significantly enhance lip volume, define the lip borders, and improve overall lip shape and symmetry.

The effects of lip fillers are immediately noticeable and can be tailored to meet the individual’s aesthetic preferences, from subtle enhancements to significant volumization. In contrast, the results of Botox injections develop over several days to a week  as the Botox takes effect and the muscle relaxes.

Another difference between the two procedures is their longevity. The results of a Botox lip flip generally last about 2 to 4 months, as the effects of Botox are more temporary. Lip fillers tend to last longer, with results typically persisting for up to  6 months before gradually diminishing as the body metabolizes the hyaluronic acid.

On some patients lip filler can provide enhancements that appear long term lasting years or longer.

WATCH: Lip Filler Injections: Everything You Need to Know 


- Lip Flip VS Lip Filler: What is a Botox lip flip and how does it differ from lip fillers? - Verve Cosmetics NYC- Lip Flip VS Lip Filler: What is a Botox lip flip and how does it differ from lip fillers? - Verve Cosmetics NYC- Lip Flip VS Lip Filler: What is a Botox lip flip and how does it differ from lip fillers? - Verve Cosmetics NYC

Choosing Between a Botox Lip Flip and Lip Fillers 

Deciding whether to opt for a Botox lip flip or lip fillers depends on the individual’s goals and the specific concerns they wish to address. Those seeking a subtle enhancement that primarily affects the appearance of the upper lip or a gummy smile, the Botox lip flip to be a suitable choice. It’s also a relatively low-commitment option for those new to cosmetic procedures, given its temporary nature and subtle effects. We’re over this is usually the least expensive as small amounts of Botox are typically used.

Conversely, individuals looking for a more noticeable increase in lip volume , lip border  or specific adjustments to lip shape and symmetry may prefer the results achievable with lip fillers. Fillers offer a more customizable solution and can provide lasting results for those willing to undergo a more noticeable procedure .

In summary, the Botox lip flip and lip fillers serve different purposes and cater to varying aesthetic preferences. The Botox lip flip offers a subtle, more temporary solution for enhancing the lip’s appearance by relaxing the muscles around the mouth, creating the illusion of fuller lips. In contrast, lip fillers provide a more significant and lasting volumization by physically adding to the lips’ size and shape. Understanding the distinctions between these procedures enables individuals to make informed choices about the best approach to achieving their desired lip aesthetic.

Schedule a Consultation for a Lip Enhancement at VERVE

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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What is the Difference between Backside Shots and Sculptra Butt Lift (Injectable BBL)? Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:00:20 +0000

When exploring options for buttock enhancement, it’s essential to differentiate between safe, medically approved materials  and risky, unregulated treatments, materials, or procedures. This distinction is vividly illustrated in the comparison between Sculptra Butt Lifts or Radiesse butt lifts and the so-called “backside shots” or “butt shots.” Understanding the differences between these methods is not just about aesthetic outcomes but fundamentally about health and safety. Keep in mind Radiesse and Sculptra are both FDA-approved Dermal filler materials for the face.

WATCH: Non Surgical BBL VS Traditional Plastic Surgery

Non surgical bbl vs traditional plastic surgery

Backside Shots / Butt Shots: High Risk, Not Regulation

“Backside shots” or so called “Butt shots” refer to often illicit injections often containing substances like non medical silicone, biopolymers, or other unapproved fillers. These injections are not sanctioned by health authorities and typically take place outside a medical setting, often administered by individuals lacking proper medical credentials. The non medical grade silicone injections are among the most dangerous .The allure of these procedures often lies in their promise of instant results and their relatively low cost compared to legitimate medical treatments. However, the risks associated with such injections cannot be overstated—they range from severe infections, allergic reactions, and the formation of hard, painful nodules to life-threatening conditions such as silicone embolism syndrome. Moreover, the complications arising from these injections are often difficult to correct, requiring extensive surgical intervention and, in some cases, leading to irreversible damage or even fatalities.

Sculptra Butt Lift: A Safe, Gradual Approach

Contrastingly,  Sculptra is Poly-L-lactic acid, an approved filler for the face which is used off label for the buttox. Sculptra Butt Lift represents a medically safe method for enhancing the buttocks’ volume, contour, and shape. Sculptra, a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) based filler, is an approved material  and has been used safely in various medical applications, including aesthetic enhancement, for many years. Administered by qualified medical professionals, Sculptra injections stimulate the body’s natural collagen production, leading to gradual and natural-looking enhancements. This approach not only ensures a higher degree of safety and predictability but also allows for tailored results that can last up to two years or more, as the body slowly absorbs the PLLA and replaces it with its own collagen.

The procedure for a Sculptra Butt Lift involves a series of minimally invasive injections that are typically spread out over a few sessions, minimizing discomfort and allowing for the effects to build up naturally over time. This phased approach helps achieve a more customized outcome, enabling adjustments based on the evolving results and patient preferences. 

- What is the Difference between Backside Shots and Sculptra Butt Lift (Injectable BBL)? - Verve Cosmetics NYC

WATCH: Non-Surgical BBL Patient Q&A 

Radiesse Non-Surgical Butt Lift

Radiesse is composed of calcium hydroxyapatite and stands out by offering an immediate enhancement in volume right after the injection, and it doesn’t stop there—it actively promotes the body’s natural collagen production process. Its composition, featuring calcium-based microspheres, creates a framework that encourages the body to form and organize its own collagen.  Radiesse is an  approved injectable filler for the face, and is used off label for the buttox.  This not only yields durable outcomes but also improves the visual appeal of the buttocks, making Radiesse particularly effective for targeted and surface-level adjustments. It’s notably efficient in addressing the superficial irregularities, such as cellulite and dimpling, on the buttocks.

Furthermore, a specialized version of Radiesse, known as diluted Radiesse, is created when the standard formula is combined with saline. This variation is especially good  at stimulating collagen production right below the skin’s surface, making it a powerful tool for skin rejuvenation across various body parts. Its use is particularly helpful  in enhancing the buttocks, where it works wonders to improve the skin’s texture, reduce crepey skin, and smooth out cellulite and dimpling. This technique leverages Radiesse’s collagen-stimulating properties to revitalize the skin, offering a versatile solution for both volume enhancement and surface-level skin improvements.

- What is the Difference between Backside Shots and Sculptra Butt Lift (Injectable BBL)? - Verve Cosmetics NYC

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL): Traditional Plastic Surgery

Another medical option is the plastic surgery approach called a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). This is a surgical procedure that involves is performed by harvesting fat is from one area of the body and transferred to the buttox. 

Considerations for Choosing Between Treatments

When considering buttocks augmentation cosmetic procedure, the following distinctions between (Sculptra Butt Lifts or Radiesse buttox lifts)  and backside [/ butt shots are crucial:

  1. Safety and Regulation: Sculptra and Radiesse Butt Lifts  are performed w3eusing FDA-approved materials, in medical settings, ensuring patient safety. Backside shots most likely  lack such regulation and safety, posing significant health risks.
  2. Efficacy and Natural Results: When you inject Sculptra, it stimulates natural collagen production, offering results that integrate 2 with the body’s tissues. Radiesse adds immediate mechanical  lifting while secondarily inducing collagen production. The outcomes of illicit injections are unpredictable and can lead to unnatural appearances and textures.
  3. Adjustments While Sculptra and Radiesse effects gradually diminish over time, allowing for adjustments, the substances used in backside shots often cause permanent changes that are difficult, if not impossible, to reverse safely. The non-surgical butt lift procedure also requires much less downtime than if you were to undergo a surgical butt lift. 
  4. Medical Oversight: Sculptra Butt Lifts and Radiesse butt lifts  are administered by medical professionals who can provide follow-up care and address any concerns that arise, unlike the unregulated procedures performed without medical supervision.
  5. Long-Term Health Implications: Choosing a medically approved procedure like Sculptra and Radiesse  significantly reduces the risk of long-term health complications associated with unapproved injections.

Informed Decision-Making 

Opting for buttock enhancement is a personal decision that should be made with a full understanding of the options available. The contrast between (Sculptra Butt Lifts or Radiesse butt lifts)  and backside shots highlights the importance of choosing safe, approved procedures administered by qualified professionals. Consulting with an aesthetic medicine practitioner , or ideally one who performs injectables on a full-time basis, is the best way to ensure that you receive care that not only meets your aesthetic goals but also prioritizes your health and safety.

In conclusion, while the allure of quick and cheap enhancements might tempt some, the health risks associated with backside shots render them a dangerous and irresponsible choice. In contrast, Sculptra Butt Lifts and Radiesse butt lifts offer safe, effective, and approved materials  for those looking to enhance the aesthetics of their buttocks through a procedure that promotes natural collagen production and offers customizable, long-lasting results.

Scheduling a Consultation at VERVE Medical Cosmetics 

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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]]> 0 Non-Surgical BBL Patient Q&A: Why Choose Fillers Over a Knife? nonadult
Botox Before and After Pictures: What Should I Look For? Fri, 15 Mar 2024 13:27:41 +0000 When considering Botox treatments, the before and after photos can provide valuable insights into an injector’s expertise. But what exactly should you be looking for!? Non-surgical dermal filler treatments are a much easier alternative to traditional plastic surgery, but there’s a lot to consider before you book. 

What is Botox? How do Botox Treatments Work? 

Botox is a brand of neurotoxin that reduces muscle movement and reduces facial wrinkles and creases, ultimately reducing signs of aging.  Whenever the skin on our face moves, the body’s nervous system sends signals to the muscles underneath the skin, called neurotransmitters, that cause the muscles (and our skin) to move. Over time, these facial expressions and movement of the facial muscles is what causes the appearance of lines and wrinkles in areas such as between the brow, glabella, and forehead.  Botox, a form of neuromodulator, is used to block the neurotransmitters that are sent to our facial muscles. By blocking the signals that cause our facial muscles to contract, Botox injections are able to relax the muscles and, ultimately, reduce the appearance of wrinkled skin and acts as an anti-aging tool.

Key Elements to Look for in Botox Before & After Photos 

  • Diversity and Quantity: A wide range of before and after photos, especially for intricate areas like the forehead, between the eyes, and crow’s feet, indicates an injector’s proficiency. Also, look for photos of treatments with other injectables, such as fillers. This is important because sometimes, Botox alone might not fully smooth the resting lines between the eyes or on the forehead. Since Botox works on movement or muscle activity, collagen, lost resting lines in the forehead, and between the eyes may benefit from cosmetic fillers
  • Full-Face Perspectives: Assessing full-face shots alongside close-ups is crucial. This allows you to see how Botox treatments enhance overall facial aesthetics, ensuring the changes are harmonious and tailored to the individual’s features. Sometimes getting too much botox or botox placement that is too low may cause a over puffy or cheeky smile . When botox is over corrected or placed too low it may cause heaviness in the eyebrows – or even a droopy eyelid
  • Consistency in Photography: Pay attention to consistency in photo angles, lighting, and distance. Inconsistencies can misleadingly alter the appearance of results. Ideally, before and after shots should be taken from the same angle and under similar lighting conditions to provide a true representation of the injector’s work.
  • Natural Results: Be wary of after photos that show unnatural appearance or filtering. The best outcomes look natural and align with your expectations of how you wish to look post-treatment.
  • Noticeable Improvement: The difference between the before and after states should be significant yet natural, showcasing a refined improvement. It’s important that the after images resonate with the aesthetic you desire, indicating the injector’s ability to achieve your goals.
  • Expertise Matters: Opt for a full-time cosmetic injectable clinician. Their extensive experience and focus on cosmetic injectables can greatly influence the success of your treatment.

Dr. Bracci Botox Before & Afters:

To view more of Dr. Stephen Bracci’s Botox Before and After photos, check out our gallery here 

Where Can I Get Botox Injections? 

Botox is typically used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles in between the eyebrows, or the glabella area, as well as the areas around the eyes commonly referred to as Crow’s Feet. 

At What Age Should I Consider a Botox Procedure? 

The appropriate age to start Botox treatments will vary between patients and depends on their genetics and skin goals. For many, beginning Botox cosmetic procedures in their twenties or thirties offers significant benefits. Starting treatments at a younger age allows for more rest periods for the skin, providing long-term protection against collagen damage and delaying the onset of permanent forehead wrinkles and other fine lines typically associated with aging.

In summary, meticulously reviewing before and after photos can guide you to choose a skilled injector who can deliver the natural, refined look you aspire to achieve with Botox treatments.

Scheduling a Botox® Consultation at VERVE Medical Cosmetics 

If you are interested in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, a Botox cosmetic treatment is a great option to give you the refresh you’re looking for without any cosmetic surgery. 

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci, call us at (212) 355-1575 or fill out the form on our website. 

FAQs About Botox Before and Afters: 

Will the Brand of Botox Affect My Before and After?

Botox Cosmetic was FDA approved in 2002. It is currently approved for frown lines between the eyes, forehead lines and crow’s feet which are wrinkle lines near the eyes. Botox is a neurotoxin and Botox is the name brand. There  are several name brands that you may have heard of. These include, Dysport, Xeomin, Juveau and Daxxify which is the newest to the group. All of these brands are essentially the same except for a few differences. Xeomin for example is a more purified version and preferred by many. Brand ambassador celebrity endorsements for Xeomin have included Joe Jonas, Christina Aguiliera and now Demi Lovato! At VERVE we prefer the Xeomin brand for its purity.  How your before and after photos and results look depend on the experience of your injector. We recommend that you see a provider that has many years of experience and understands ALL these brands and specifically how a Botox injection will affect your personal before and after.

Will Age Affect My Before and After?

Different ages may or may not see different results. However your Botox before and after should always provide natural results regardless of your age. You always want to look better, not different.  If you have more mature skin you may require other more advanced aesthetic medical treatments such as cosmetic fillers of  plastic surgery from a board certified plastic surgeon.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s 2022 annual report listed Neuromodulator Injections as the #1 choice in a list of top 5 Cosmetic Minimally Invasive Procedures. Soft tissue fillers known as HA filler ranked second in popularity. Botox or neuromodulator injects continues to grow year after year.

When I See a Botox Before and After on Social Media is this Really Botox?

There are many Botox before and after photos on social media and many influencers have made Botox more popular than ever! Many before and after Botox photos on social media and the internet are accurate, however, it is important to visit with an experienced provider to look at before and after photos of real patients.  It is important to discuss your goals and what look you are going for with your results. Because of a lack of education on the subject of minimally invasive procedures, viewers on social media often confuse the results of bad plastic surgery or injections with Botox. 

Is Botox Expensive and Will I Need to Keep Coming Back?

The best Botox in NYC and New Jersey can average around $16-$24 per unit. You may need to come back every 3-4 months but everyone is different and the amount and frequency will differ. We recommend staying away from deep discounts on the internet and sticking with a provider you can trust and have a long term relationship with. Many experienced aesthetic centers or medical spas are actual medical offices that keep medical records of your progress and aging throughout your lifetime. They also understand the cost of Botox and may provide discounts. VERVE provides quantity discounts to make Botox affordable. Units can be purchased in advance and banked for later use.

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Key Ingredients to Look for in An Eye Cream | Choosing the Right Eye Cream And Skincare Products Fri, 08 Mar 2024 13:15:14 +0000

The skincare world can be overwhelming. Between the brands, the products, and everything in between, there’s so many options – but how do you know which is the best product for your skincare routine, and more specifically the right eye cream for you? The eye area is one of the most sensitive areas of the body, so it’s important to know what active ingredients to look for to make sure you’re using an eye cream that is most beneficial to treat the skin around the eye.

What Ingredients to look for In an Eye Cream or Under Eye Patch?

  • Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic Acid is naturally in our skin and joints and has been shown to have topical surface benefits  , including hydrating and rejuvenating the skin. Moreover hyaluronic acid has been associated with improved skin elasticity, softness and even the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • All-trans Retinol: at the appropriate level for the delicate eye area assists to improve firmness and elasticity. Retinol overall helps to increase our skin cell turnover while also exfoliating skin and stimulating collagen production, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reversing signs of aging and giving skin a younger appearance.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that also helps slow early skin aging, prevent sun damage, and improve the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, dark circles, and acne.
  • Caffeine: Caffeine has been associated with its anti free radicals effects and anti aging , increasing skin circulation and reducing inflammation. Caffeine is very popular in skin care products.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E has been associated with anti-inflammatory antioxidant and skin barrier protective properties. By protecting from environmental toxins, hydrating the skin, it may reduce the appearance of aging.
  • Green tea: Green tea is another strong, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It also helps skin protection from UV radiation and pollution. Moreover, green tea is associated with antimicrobial effects, aiding certain skin conditions and acne. Green tea may also reduce the effects of enzymes that caused the breakdown of collagen, which leads to promotion of improve skin, elasticity, and less wrinkling
  • Arnica: Arnica is associated with anti-inflammatory, and reducing bruising – thought to be by inhibiting the inflammatory process and increasing blood flow and lymphatic drainage. By increasing blood flow and improving the lymphatic drainage  it is believed to aid in the reduction of swelling and bruising.
  • Ceramides: Ceramides are popular in that they are thought to aid in the skin barrier – protecting against environmental toxins and reducing dehydration of the skin.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide): Vitamin B3 is an aid in improving elasticity and increasing the skin barrier as well as improving pigmentation and discoloration of the skin.

When choosing the “best eye cream”, it is best to seek an evaluation and recommendation from a skin specialist (dermatologist) to ensure you’re using a product with the best ingredients.

What If Using Eye Cream Isn’t Helping the Skin Around My Eyes?

The skin around your eyes is a very sensitive and difficult to treat area. Applying eye creams, moisturizers and eye mask patches or sheets may provide a temporary fix.  In many cases topical eye creams and under eye patches can’t get rid of puffiness, dark circles, or under eye bags. If this is the case, under-eye filler treatments such as EyeRise™ may be the best route for you. Using a customized combination of cosmetic fillers, it treats the tear trough with specialized Hyaluronic Acid fillers such as Belotero and addresses volume loss in the mid-face with a firmer filler like Radiesse, which doesn’t cause water retention. This approach treats the entire area and leverages the balancing effects of multiple dermal fillers, but it’s best performed by an experienced cosmetic injector with a medical practice solely dedicated to injectables with a core practice in treating under eye bags non-surgically.

If you believe you are a good candidate for tear trough filler, schedule a consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci. To make your consultation, call us at (212) 355-1705 or book online by using our online booking system. 

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Are Allergies Causing My Under-Eye Bags? Reducing Puffy Eyes and Getting Rid of Bags Tue, 05 Mar 2024 13:00:19 +0000

The appearance of under eye bags can be caused by a number of things including stress, lack of sleep, and allergy symptoms. There are many ways that allergies can enhance bags or dark circles around the eye as well as cause swelling or puffiness in the area. 

Inflammation, Fluid Retention, and Puffy Under-Eye Bags

Allergic reactions in the body can lead to puffiness, excess fluid, and swelling around and beneath the eyes, worsening the appearance of under-eye bags. Essentially, the body’s immune response triggers inflammation and swelling, contributing to a puffy under-eye area and accentuating bags or dark circles.

Allergies Impact on Sleep Quality

Allergies can significantly impact sleep quality, which, in turn, can exacerbate congestion and inflammation, ultimately affecting the appearance of bags under the eyes. A lack of sleep disrupts the body’s natural fluid rebalancing and detoxification processes, which may make the area around the eye become swollen. 

READ MORE: 9 Lifestyle Changes That Can Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes 

Circulatory Changes

Experiencing allergic episodes and reactions can affect the circulatory system, leading to dilated blood vessels. This change can darken and worsen the appearance of under-eye bags, highlighting the systemic effects of allergies on under-eye health.

Holistic Health Considerations + Home Remedies for Bags Under Eyes 

Addressing allergies with a comprehensive approach that includes staying well-hydrated, maintaining a healthy diet, and ensuring adequate sleep can lessen their impact on under-eye bags. This demonstrates the interconnected relationship between allergies, lifestyle choices, and the appearance of the under-eye area.

There are also home remedies that can be a quick, but temporary fix to eyebags such as caffeinated tea bags and a cold compress the reduce swelling in the under eye area. Note that these remedies are not a solution to getting rid of bags under your eyes, but a temporary fix to reduce the appearance of puffy eyes 

Seeking Specialist Advice for Eye Bag Treatment Options 

For an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of allergies, especially those impacting the eyes, its advisable to consult with a general allergy specialist or an ocular specialist. They can offer targeted strategies to manage symptoms and alleviate the effects of allergies on under-eye bags, ensuring a tailored approach to treatment and care to get rid of bags around your eye. 

EyeRise: Non-Surgical Eye Bag Removal Using Cosmetic Injectables 

If your under eye bags persist after your allergies pass, a non-surgical eyebag removal treatment might be what’s best for you. At VERVE Medical Cosmetics, Dr. Stephen Bracci’s renowned EyeRise eye rejuvenation procedure has helped thousands of patients reduce the appearance of under-eye bags and dark circles without any surgical cutting or stretching of the skin. 

The area around the eyes is one of the most difficult areas to treat as it requires a blend of hyaluronic acid fillers and firmer fillers such as Radiesse or Sculptra. 

READ MORE: How Do I Choose the Right Under Eye Treatment? 

In summary, the under-eye area is highly sensitive to health, metabolic changes, weight, hydration, or allergic responses in our bodies. Lifestyle choices can significantly impact the harmony in the under eye area.

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9 Lifestyle Changes That Can Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:00:20 +0000

Under-eye bags and dark circles are related to volume changes that deepen the crease under the eyes, often making the area appear darker. The under-eye support system, consisting of fat, muscle, and bone, can be disrupted by time, age, and lifestyle choices. Loss of any of these tissues can lead to increased creasing. Genetics and aging, alongside lifestyle and health, are significant factors in the shape and creases under the eyes.

Additionally, the under-eye area has a lymphatic drainage system, which plays a role in fluid retention, balance, and immune function. Impacts on this system, hydration levels, or immune response can affect the under-eye shape and crease.

Common lifestyle changes affecting under-eye shape and creasing include:

  1. Diet and Nutrition: Excessive salt intake can affect body hydration and increase puffiness. A Mediterranean, whole plant-based diet with minimal meat, processed, or packaged foods is beneficial and may help reduce the appearance of bags under your eyes.
  2. Getting Enough Sleep: We know that sleep plays a major role in balancing our bodies fluid and hydration levels. Lack of sleep can alter this natural hydration rebalance if  and also potentially triggering an immune response influencing the under-eye lymphatic, resulting in less puffiness under the eyes. 
  3. Stress: Stress hormone levels may influence inflammation and hydration, alluding to bags under the eyes. 
  4. Allergies: Local or systemic allergies can affect bags under eyes. 
  5. Dehydration   Changes in hydration levels, like after exercise or alcohol consumption, impact the area
  6. Marijuana usage : THC may dilate blood vessels, affecting under-eye creasing and dark circles.
  7. Skin and Health Conditions: Conditions like dermatitis can be a factor in the appearance of dark circles and under-eye bags 
  8. Trauma or pressure under the eye: For example tight pressure from eyewear especially tight swim goggles can influence fluid distribution and worsen puffy eyes 
  9. Ozempic Face/Large Weight Loss: Loss of facial fat or muscle can accentuate under-eye creases.

READ MORE: What is Ozempic? 

EyeRise: Non-Surgical Eye Bag Removal Using Cosmetic Injectables 

If these lifestyle changes aren’t helping improve the appearance of the bags under your eyes, a non-surgical eyebag removal treatment might be what’s best for you. At VERVE Medical Cosmetics, Dr. Stephen Bracci’s renowned EyeRise eye rejuvenation procedure has helped thousands of patients reduce the appearance of under-eye bags and dark circles without any surgical cutting or stretching of the skin. 

The area around the eyes is one of the most difficult areas to treat as it requires a blend of hyaluronic acid fillers and firmer fillers such as Radiesse or Sculptra. 

READ MORE: How Do I Choose the Right Under Eye Treatment? 

In summary, the under-eye area is highly sensitive to health, metabolic changes, weight, hydration, or allergic responses in our bodies. Lifestyle choices can significantly impact the harmony in the under eye area.

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Under Eye Filler Treatment Options: Everything You Need to Know Fri, 02 Feb 2024 05:15:15 +0000

There are many different approaches and prices for removing under eye bags and dark circles with  fillers. Why is that? The range is so wide due to many different factors such as buying an individual filler VS a comprehensive treatment plan, type of filler, the provider’s experience, and more. 

Single fillers can be priced at $1,000 or less while using multiple fillers per side over multiple visits can cost several thousands of dollars in the cost of the dermal fillers alone, but allows for a more comprehensive and natural result. 

Dr. Stephen Bracci has been treating under eye bags for more than 20 years and is one of the leading experts in the field. The under eye area is one of the most difficult areas of the face to treat with fillers and commands years of experience and a large volume of successful treatments.

Under Eye Filler Treatment Area

  • How do under-eyes change with age?

As we age we begin to experience a loss in muscle and bone structure, resulting in volume loss in areas such as the under-eye. The anatomy behind the loss of support in the orbital rim and mid-face may lead to a sunken eye area, hollowing around the eyes and mid-face, as well as fine lines and wrinkles. Treating both the tear trough and mid-face with filler is crucial for a natural, restorative look. 

Types of Under-Eye Tear Trough Filler + Application 

Hyaluronic acid fillers are by far the most commonly used filler type applied – brand names you may know of our Juvederm  Restylane, Versa. However the limitation of this type of filler injection is that it attracts water, and using an excessive amount of these types of filler may lead to puffiness.

  • Employing a multi-filler strategy across several treatments

The ideal way to achieve natural looking results is with a multi-filler strategy. This means using a blend of HA fillers and firmer fillers such as Radiesse or Sculptra to help lift the area and add volume back to the area. 

Radiesse is a cosmetic filler made from calcium hydroxylapatite, a naturally occurring mineral in the body that is found in our bones. Like most fillers, Radiesse works to add back lost volume underneath the skin. In addition to replacing lost volume, Radiesse also stimulates the production of collagen within our bodies. 

Sculptra is made of poly-L-lactic acid which primarily boosts the production of collagen, leading to gradual fullness and is effective for moderate to severe facial volume loss, with results that can last for years. It’s known for creating profound plumping effects without puffiness or water retention effects, especially in the off label area of the buttocks. Sculptra uses the same materials found  in dissolvable sutures , providing a scaffold for collagen production.

WATCH: Tear Trough Filler Treatments: What is the best filler for tear trough correction?

  • Challenges and pitfalls of treating these areas separately

Treating these areas individually doesn’t allow for a harmonious balance in the face. By injecting only the tear trough with a hyaluronic acid filler, the area will appear overly puffy. On the other hand, injecting HA fillers into the mid-face only make the under eye area appear darker and more creased. 

  • Needle versus cannula methods for enhanced safety and precision

Cannulas are more precise and cause less bruising to the eye area. More commonly, a needle is used in this area but may lead to more bruising in the recovery period. Cannulas take more skill to inject with and are Dr. Stephen Bracci’s preferred method of injecting.  

Why Choose EyeRise, the Premiere Under-Eye Filler Treatment 

EyeRise is a non-surgical technique for eye bag removal and under-eye circles, created by master injector Dr. Stephen Bracci and exclusively available at Verve. Dr. Bracci is known for treating the under-eye area and he developed this innovative method for reducing tired or aged appearance underneath the eyes. During the procedure, a tailored combination of cosmetic fillers are injected under the eyes, and the mid-face (malar) region. The goal of the procedure is to reduce the appearance of eye bags and restore the skin to its original position, by using different cosmetic fillers for each layer underneath the skin. When you purchase a filler treatment, you are purchasing access to as many fillers, touch-ups, and follow ups it may take to get you your desired results. 

In conclusion, the optimal treatment strategy is to use different fillers for different areas, use a sufficient amount of filler in the desired area, and require multiple visits for a natural and complete correction. If you believe you are a good candidate for EyeRise, schedule a consultation at VERVE Medical Cosmetics. 

WATCH: Blepharoplasty vs. Filler – Choosing the Right Solution for Under-Eyes and Tear Trough

About Dr. Stephen Bracci 

Dr. Stephen Bracci specializes and dedicates his practice solely to the use of non-surgical cosmetic injections and facial fillers, known for his injection techniques and ability to produce natural-looking results for his patients. Dr. Bracci focuses on the entire face and restores the skin to its original structure and glow, leaving the patient looking rested and more youthful. Combining his extensive experience, the latest technology, and his artful hand leads to satisfying results. A pioneer in the field, Dr. Bracci has trademarked several nonsurgical techniques, including Baselift™, the non surgical facelift, and EyeRise™ for the under-eye bag area.

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Injector 

Scheduling a Cosmetic Injection Consultation at VERVE

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci at VERVE Medical Cosmetics, fill out the form on our website or give us a call at (212) 888-3003 and someone from our team will assist you. 

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What to Expect at Your First Dermal Filler Consultation Wed, 31 Jan 2024 13:00:20 +0000

Choosing to get a dermal filler procedure is a big step. Though the procedure only takes a few minutes and is minimally invasive, coming in for the filler consultation can be a bit intimidating. Understanding what your injector is looking for and what to expect from your dermal filler consultation will help to make you feel more confident and prepared when you come for your initial consultation. 

What to Expect During Your Filler Consultation

First Impression 

Upon entering the room, my first step is to form an overall impression as a quick glance often reveals much. As an injector, looking at the architecture of the face including wrinkles or lost support in the skin helps begin to think of ways to rejuvenate the appearance. 

Address the Main Concerns 

I then ask about their main concerns, such as comments on appearing tired or preparing for events like birthdays, weddings, or reunions. Often, an upcoming event is what will bring a client into the studio. 

Suggested Event Timeline 

WATCH: Bride’s Non-Surgical Wedding Transformation at VERVE Medical Cosmetics (BaseLift™) 

Look at the Full Face, the Big Picture 

Next, I request them to pull their hair back from their face and ears for a full view of their facial features. It’s essential to evaluate the face from a normal conversation distance, avoiding the distortion of a close-up mirror view. All too often clients will show details in their face that are only visible up close, making it a distorted viewpoint. 

My goal with fillers is to restore the skin’s original position and ensure it matches adjacent tissues for a natural look. I focus on key areas: under the eyes, mid-face support, lateral cheekbone contours, nasolabial fold depth, marionette lines, and jawline definition. Fillers are used to restore the architecture of the face by compensating for the loss of underlying supportive structures like fat, muscle, and bone.

The face is divided into areas: the medial face (below and between the eyes) and lateral areas (cheekbones and jawline) for targeted filler application. We can create a three dimensional restoration of the architecture of the face by forward projection (medial face) and by lateral vectors (lateral areas) and we can create a more natural appearance where surgery is more in the lateral vector domain.

Assess Previous Filler Injections or Plastic Surgery

I assess if previous surgery has altered the face’s shape and if fillers have been applied unevenly in the past. I can look and see if the skin has been shifted or manipulated and there’s any surgical history and then the other thing that I really look for is the history of prior fillers. I can usually tell, even if the clients don’t tell me, when fillers are put in because it doesn’t match the adjacent area. My goals are to make fillers appear unnoticed and blend with adjacent areas  , and I pride myself with getting the most natural results 

Deciding Which Treatment is Right For You

After discussing potential areas for treatment and expected results, my team provides pricing and options for cosmetic enhancements with fillers. At this point we can begin to put together a treatment plan such as the BaseLift™ (non-surgical facelift), EyeRise™ (non-surgical eye bag removal), or what type of filler would be best for an individual filler treatment. 

Can I Receive a Dermal Filler Treatment the Same Day?

Yes, you can. After meeting with Dr. Bracci, you have the option to make an informed decision to receive a dermal filler treatment that same day or you can schedule your filler appointment at VERVE for another day. During any treatment, you will be numbed using injectable anesthetics.  

Aftercare and Recovery 

After your treatment, you may have subtle side effects which are very normal. Some of the most common side effects include redness, swelling, or bruising. Most side effects will  subside within a few days from the filler treatment, however if bruising occurs it may persist longer .  

Schedule a Consultation or Filler Appointment with Dr. Stephen Bracci

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci at VERVE Medical Cosmetics, fill out the form on our website or give us a call at (212) 888-3003 and someone from our team will assist you. 

Read More: 

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VERVE X Wilhelmina NYFW Kickoff Party 2023 Thu, 02 Feb 2023 16:40:39 +0000

Last week (January 25th, 2023) Dr. Bracci and his team hosted a NYFW Kickoff Party with Wilhelmina ModelsThe Wilhelmina team enjoyed light bites and pampering with makeup touch ups and dry hair styling by the Glam Squad, and massages by NYC Massage and Spa. In addition to celebrating the kickoff of New York Fashion Week (February 10 – 15), VERVE and Wilhelmia celebrated our new partnership and inclusion in their exclusive Willy Perks program. 

Take a look inside the event here or scroll through our images below! 

Interested in hosting an event at our Upper East Side townhouse or becoming a VERVE Medical Cosmetics partner, call us at (212) 888-3003. 

 - VERVE X Wilhelmina NYFW Kickoff Party 2023 - Verve Cosmetics NYC

- VERVE X Wilhelmina NYFW Kickoff Party 2023 - Verve Cosmetics NYC
- VERVE X Wilhelmina NYFW Kickoff Party 2023 - Verve Cosmetics NYC
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