Are the Bags Under Your Eyes Indicating a Health Issue? | Tips to g... Practicing For Over Two Decades, Dr. Stephen Bracci Is A Leading Physician And Pioneer In The Advancement Of Age-Reversing Aesthetics. Verve Medical Cosmetics Offers The Most Focused Non-Surgical Solutions. Thu, 25 Apr 2024 12:00:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Are the Bags Under Your Eyes Indicating a Health Issue? | Tips to g... 32 32 Are the Bags Under Your Eyes Indicating a Health Issue? | Tips to get rid of bags under eyes Thu, 25 Apr 2024 12:00:18 +0000

Bags under your eyes are one of the most common problems we correct at VERVE Medical Cosmetics. There are multiple causes of under eye bags, but are there any health issues that may be indicated by bags under your eyes? 

What Causes Bags Under Eyes? 

Under eye bags are often associated with fatigue or aging, but can sometimes be indicative of underlying health issues. Their presence not only affects aesthetic appearance but may also serve as a subtle signal from the body about deeper health concerns. Understanding the potential health implications behind under eye bags is crucial for addressing both cosmetic and health-related aspects effectively.

Fluid Retention and Kidney Function

One of the common medical reasons for worsening bags around your eyes is fluid retention. This condition can be exacerbated by factors such as high salt intake, hormonal fluctuations, and poor sleep. However, persistent fluid retention, particularly in the under eye area, could  also point to compromised kidney function. The kidneys play a vital role in removing excess fluid and waste from the body. When they are not functioning optimally, fluid can accumulate, leading to swelling in various parts of the body, including under the eyes.

Allergies and Sinus Problems

Under eye bags can also be a manifestation of allergies or sinus issues. Allergic reactions can cause inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, leading to congestion. This congestion can hinder proper drainage and cause blood vessels in the under eye area to become dilated or engorged, which in turn can manifest as puffiness or dark circles. Chronic sinus infections, which are often linked to allergies, can have a similar effect, emphasizing the importance of managing allergies and sinus health to mitigate under eye concerns.

Thyroid Health

As previously discussed, thyroid disorders, both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, can impact the skin and tissues around the eyes. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and influence the health and appearance of the skin. Imbalances in these hormones can lead to changes in skin texture, elasticity, and fat distribution, contributing to the appearance of under eye bags. Hyperthyroidism can cause the skin to become thin and fragile, while hypothyroidism might lead to puffiness and swelling in the face, including the under eye area.

Sleep Patterns and Cardiovascular Health

Lack of sleep and poor sleep quality can contribute to the appearance of under eye bags, but they also have broader implications for cardiovascular health. Chronic sleep deprivation is linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. These conditions are associated with  poor circulation and fluid imbalance, further exacerbating under eye bags. Ensuring adequate and restful sleep is thus essential not only for reducing under eye bags but also for maintaining overall cardiovascular health.

Lifestyle Factors

Certain lifestyle choices, including regular  alcohol consumption, marijuana use,  and smoking and vaping, can contribute to the development of under eye bags and also worsen  broader health issues. Alcohol can lead to dehydration and poor sleep quality, while smoking vaping and marijuana use  can accelerate the aging process of the skin and impair circulation. Lifestyle habits can worsen the appearance of under eye bags and are associated with a range of health risks, including liver damage, cardiovascular diseases and toxic effects on all organs of the body, including the skin. 

READ MORE: 9 Lifestyle Changes That Can Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes

Addressing Under Eye Bags and Health Concerns

Recognizing under eye bags as a potential indicator of health issues prompts a holistic approach to treatment. This includes:

  1. Medical Evaluation: Regular consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine if under eye bags are linked to any underlying health conditions that require attention.
  2. Lifestyle Modifications: Embracing a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise including both cardiovascular and full-body strength training, adequate hydration, and proper sleep, can mitigate under eye bags and improve overall health.
  3. Cosmetic Treatments: While addressing potential health issues, cosmetic treatments like the EyeRise filler procedure can provide aesthetic improvement by restoring lost support  beneath the skin, offering a more youthful, refreshed and natural appearance.

Home Remedies to Combat Dark Circles and Under-Eye Bags

There are numerous natural remedies that may help in reducing under eye bags and puffy eyes, however, there are also numerous natural remedies that may serve as a protection against eyebags in the long term or to help get rid of bags. 

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Eye Bags 

  • Hydration
  • Sleep Quality and Position
  • Cold Compresses and Cucumber Slices
  • Caffeinated Tea Bags
  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet
  • Sun Exposure Management
  • Regular Exercise
  • Inflammations Central Role


Cosmetic Ways to Get Rid of Bags Under the Eyes

EyeRise: Non-Surgical Under-Eye Filler

EyeRise utilizes gentle dermal fillers like Belotero and Radiesse to enhance structural support. Multiple filler types are combined for optimal results. The goal is to lift and support the skin beneath the under-eye and mid-face areas, restoring their original position without the need for cutting or stretching. 

Blepharoplasty: Eyelid Surgery and Under-Eye Bag Removal

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure primarily designed to improve the appearance of under eye bags and dark circles by focusing on the lower eyelids. During the procedure, your surgeon’s goal is to remove or reposition excess skin, fat, and muscle. The results of a lower blepharoplasty are to reduce creases through cutting, removing, and repositioning tissues. However, this surgical method not only changes the appearance of the area around the eyes but also impacts the micro blood vessels supplying the tissue. 

In summary, while under eye bags may be a medical sign for some – for many the underlying confluence of genetics, lifestyle and aging  plays the most significant role.  By seeking regular health provider visits , and adopting a comprehensive approach to wellness, individuals can minimize the risks associated with under eye bags. Promoting both external beauty and internal health can be done simultaneously.  

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Bracci

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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What are Lip Filler Injections? | Guide to + Everything You Need to Know About Lip Injections Tue, 23 Apr 2024 12:05:16 +0000

Lip fillers have gained in popularity as a cosmetic procedure aimed at enhancing the volume, shape, contour of border and overall appearance of the lips. This minimally invasive treatment can aid in obtaining a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing facial appearance. Understanding what dermal fillers are, the substances used, and how they work can help demystify the process and highlight why they’ve become a go-to option for cosmetic enhancement.

Types of Fillers Used for Lip Augmentation

The most common substance used in lip augmentation filler treatments is hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance found in the body. HA fillers are favored for their safety profile and effectiveness in adding volume and hydration to the lips. Unlike permanent fillers, HA fillers are temporary, allowing for adjustments over time as desired by the patient or as natural aging occurs. Hyaluronic acid fillers,  brand names  such as Juvederm, Restylane, RHA and Versa are commonly applied to the lips. These fillers not only add volume but also attract water molecules to the area, further enhancing lip fullness and hydration.

How Lip Fillers Work 

Lip fillers are administered through a cannula or a needle. Cannulas require more expertise as they are analogous to long tubes that go underneath the skin and deposit the filler. The advantage of is that  in the right hand,  injections can be made with as little as a few injection points to treat the entire upper or lower lip. Moreover cannulas  can reduce the risk of bruising, and or the risk of injury to the blood vessels. 

Needles on the other hand are more precise, but require many more injection points, are more likely to cause bruising are more likely to cause blood vessel injury, and may be more painful.

The procedure is relatively quick, typically taking just a few minutes or up to 30 minutes, depending on the skill and expertise and experience of the provider. . Before the treatment, a topical anesthetic or nerve block may be applied to minimize discomfort – especially in the case of using a needle .

Once injected, the HA filler integrates into the lip tissue, providing immediate volume  or lip enhancement or  shape enhancement. The HA molecules attract and bind water, which helps maintain the filler’s volumizing effect. This ability to retain moisture not only contributes to the desired aesthetic outcome but also promotes a natural, soft feel to the lips.

Lip Volume and Shape Enhancement 

The primary goal of lip filler treatments is to enhance the lips’ volume and shape. Patients may seek to augment thin lips, define the vermilion border of the lips, smooth out wrinkles around the mouth, or achieve a more balanced look between the upper and lower lips. The specific techniques and amount of filler used are customized based on the individual’s facial anatomy and aesthetic goals.

A skilled injector can precisely target areas that need enhancement, ensuring that the results harmonize with the patient’s facial features and look natural. For example, adding volume to the body of the lips can create plumpness, while accentuating the vermilion border can define and highlight the lip shape. Strategic placement of the filler can also correct asymmetries and enhance the cupid’s bow for a more defined lip contour.

Lip Injection  Procedure Specifics

The process begins with a consultation, where the injector assesses the patient’s lips and discusses desired outcomes. This step is crucial for setting realistic expectations and planning the treatment to achieve the best possible results.

During the procedure, lidocaine (think of this as an injectable numbing cream) is injected into the area before the HA filler is carefully injected using a fine needle or cannula. The choice between a needle and a cannula depends on the treatment area and the injector’s expertise or preference. Cannulas, being less sharp, can minimize bruising and swelling, especially in sensitive areas.

During post-treatment downtime, patients may experience temporary swelling, redness, or bruising,  especially with needles , which typically resolves within a few days. The results of lip fillers are immediate, though it may take a few weeks to fully appreciate the final, fuller outcome as any swelling subsides.

Lip Filler Cost

The cost of lip filler injections in New York City can vary widely, ranging from $400 to $900. Several factors influence the price, such as the amount of filler used and the expertise of the person administering it.

For those looking for subtle enhancements, a half syringe may suffice, typically costing between $400 and $500. More commonly, people opt for a full syringe, which can cost anywhere from $600 to $900, depending on the brand of filler and the skill level of the injector.

In summary, lip fillers offer a versatile and effective solution to plump your lips and achieve fuller lips. By utilizing hyaluronic acid, a substance compatible with the body, they provide safe, temporary improvements that can be adjusted over time. Whether seeking subtle refinements or more significant enhancements, lip fillers can be tailored to meet diverse aesthetic goals, making them a popular choice for those looking to enhance their natural beauty.

Think You’re a Candidate for Lip Fillers?

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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Sculptra Butt Lift: Guide to the Sculptra BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) Mon, 22 Apr 2024 12:00:17 +0000

Introduction to Non-Surgical Butt Augmentation

The allure of an aesthetically pleasing silhouette has led to the rise of non-surgical butt augmentation options, among which butt fillers have become increasingly favored. This trend mirrors a broader shift towards less invasive cosmetic enhancements, where individuals seek significant improvements without the extended downtime or risks associated with traditional surgery. The Sculptra Butt Lift, leveraging the unique properties of poly-L-lactic acid, stands at the forefront of this movement, offering a blend of gradual, natural-looking enhancements and longevity that few treatments can match. 

The Science Behind Sculptra Injections

Sculptra distinguishes itself from other dermal fillers through its mechanism of action. Unlike immediate fillers that merely add volume, Sculptra acts as a collagen stimulator, gradually rebuilding the body’s natural collagen networks within the treated area. This process not only enhances volume, making the buttocks fuller, but also improves the skin’s overall texture and resilience, contributing to a more youthful and uplifted appearance.

Sculptra Butt Lift Insight

A Sculptra Butt Lift begins with an in-depth consultation where a qualified provider assesses the patient’s anatomical structure, discusses aesthetic goals, and outlines a custom treatment plan. This personalized approach ensures that the enhancements complement the patient’s natural body shape, achieving a harmonious and balanced result. The injection technique is pivotal; experienced providers utilize strategic placement – usually with a cannula , to maximize volume increase and sculpt the desired contour, all while ensuring patient comfort and safety.

The Edge of a Sculptra BBL Over Plastic Surgery Alternatives

Opting for Sculptra comes with a lot of benefits. The non-surgical nature of the treatment means individuals can avoid the scars, risks, and lengthy recovery times often associated with traditional plastic surgery Brazilian Butt Lifts. Moreover, the gradual improvement seen with Sculptra allows for adjustments over time, ensuring results that evolve naturally with the patient’s body.

Filler Candidacy and Personal Goals

Sculptra Butt Lift is ideal for individuals seeking to enhance their buttocks’ appearance subtly and naturally. It appeals to those wary of the artificial look or feel that can sometimes accompany implants. Health considerations, lifestyle factors, and a clear understanding of the cosmetic procedures scope are crucial in determining suitability and setting realistic expectations for the outcome.

 Navigating Through the Dermal Filler Treatment Experience

Pre-treatment preparation involves adhering to provider guidelines to ensure optimal results. The injection session itself is relatively quick, with minimal discomfort thanks to localized anesthesia and use of a cannula. Aftercare is straightforward, focusing on gentle massages and avoiding strenuous activities to facilitate healing and encourage even collagen distribution.

Understanding the Risks and Managing Expectations of a Sculptra Butt Lift Treatment

While Sculptra is safe, with thousands of successful treatment sessions worldwide, potential side effects like temporary bruising or swelling may occur. The procedure’s non-permanent nature means follow up treatments  are often necessary for most people treated to maintain the results .

Investing in Your Appearance

The cost of a Sculptra Butt Lift is influenced by various factors, including the volume of product needed (number of vials) and the provider’s expertise. While it represents an investment, many find the expense justifiable, given the transformative results and absence of surgical risks. Interesting enough, often providers with the greatest experience have product cost savings which they commonly share with their patients .

Selecting the Right Specialist for a Non Surgical Butt Lift Procedure

The choice of provider is paramount. Credentials, experience, and a portfolio of successful before and after  treatments are indicators of a provider’s ability to deliver desired outcomes. A thorough consultation offers insights into the procedure and fosters a mutual understanding of the aesthetic goals.

Celebrating Patient Successes 

Testimonials from those who have experienced the transformative effects of a Sculptra Butt Lift firsthand offer compelling evidence of its efficacy. These stories, along with before-and-after photos, provide prospective patients with a realistic preview of the potential results, fostering confidence in their decision to pursue treatment.

Embracing a Tailored Enhancement Approach

 The Sculptra Butt Lift exemplifies the personalized nature of modern cosmetic treatments. Each procedure is adapted to fit the individual’s unique body type and aesthetic aspirations, ensuring enhancements that feel as natural as they look. This customized approach is key to achieving outcomes that patients love, highlighting the skill and artistry involved in every treatment.

Navigating FAQs

Addressing common inquiries about the Sculptra Butt Lift is essential. This segment helps demystify the procedure for those considering it, clarifying aspects like the expected duration of results, the typical recovery timeline, and how it compares to other augmentation options. By providing clear, comprehensive answers, potential patients can make informed decisions about their path to aesthetic enhancement. 

A Harmonious Blend of Art and Science

The Sculptra Butt Lift stands as a testament to the advances in cosmetic medicine, offering a safe, effective, and minimally invasive option for buttock enhancement. Its ability to harmonize with the body’s natural processes, promoting collagen production for lasting volume increase, makes it an appealing choice for thosE seeking subtle, natural enhancements. As the popularity of non-surgical procedures continues to grow, the Sculptra Butt Lift exemplifies how innovation and patient-centered care come together to create results that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also enduring and harmonious with each individual’s physique.

Choosing the right provider is crucial in this transformative journey. A skilled practitioner will not only ensure optimal outcomes but also a safe, comfortable experience. It’s about finding a balance between artistry and medical expertise, where the provider’s understanding of body contours and aesthetics meets rigorous medical training. The initial consultation is an opportunity to build trust, set realistic expectations, and discuss the nuances of the procedure, ensuring that patients feel informed and confident in their decision to proceed.

Beyond the physical enhancement, the Sculptra Butt Lift journey is deeply personal. It’s a step towards aligning one’s external appearance with their internal perception of beauty and confidence. The procedure’s ability to subtly augment and refine the buttocks area has a profound impact on self-esteem and body image for many individuals. This psychological aspect is an integral part of the treatment’s appeal, offering not just a physical transformation but an emotional uplift as well.

In terms of maintenance, the longevity of the Sculptra Butt Lift results encourages a long-term perspective on beauty and wellness. Sculptra can have a persistent effect for up to two years, . 

While the initial treatment series provides a significant enhancement, periodic touch-ups can maintain the desired volume and contour. This ongoing relationship with the provider allows for adjustments and refinements over time, adapting to the body’s natural aging process and ensuring that the results continue to align with the patient’s evolving aesthetic goals.

Financial considerations play a role in the decision-making process for many patients. Understanding the cost structure, including the factors that influence pricing, helps demystify the investment involved in a Sculptra Butt Lift. While the upfront cost may be higher than some other cosmetic treatments, the durability of the results and the lack of significant downtime present a compelling value proposition. Additionally, financing options and flexible payment plans offered by many clinics can make the procedure accessible to a broader audience.

How much is Sculptra for Buttocks?  

Sculptra is usually sold as a bundle or package where by a session may include a starting amount of 5 vials – which is currently priced at least $5,000.

Pricing for a Sculptra Butt Lift is based on when this article was written (March 2024). For the most up to date pricing please check our Non-Surgical BBL Service Page 

As we conclude this exploration of the Sculptra Butt Lift, it’s clear that the procedure is more than just a cosmetic enhancement—it’s a testament to the advancements in non-surgical aesthetic treatments. By offering a safe, effective, and personalized option for buttock augmentation, Sculptra empowers individuals to achieve their desired silhouette without the need for invasive surgery. With the right approach, informed decision-making, and ongoing care, the Sculptra Butt Lift can be a rewarding journey towards achieving not only a more attractive physique but also a renewed sense of confidence and well-being.

In the landscape of cosmetic enhancements, the Sculptra Butt Lift stands out as a beacon of innovation, blending scientific understanding with an appreciation for natural beauty. For those considering this treatment, it represents a pathway to achieving their aesthetic aspirations, supported by the expertise of dedicated professionals. As the field of cosmetic medicine continues to evolve, the Sculptra Butt Lift will undoubtedly remain a favored choice for individuals seeking to enhance their appearance with subtlety, safety, and sophistication.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci 


1. What is a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • A non-surgical procedure that uses Sculptra injections to enhance the buttocks shape ,volume and contour  by stimulating  collagen production.

2. How do Sculptra injections work?

  •  Sculptra is made from poly-L-lactic acid PLLA, which stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, gradually increasing volume in the treated area over time

3. What makes Sculptra different from other plastic surgeon butt augmentation options such as a brazilian butt lift fat transfer? 

  • Unlike immediate fillers or surgical options like implants, Sculptra offers a more natural-looking enhancement and works by promoting the body’s collagen production

4. Who is an ideal candidate for a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • Individuals looking for subtle enhancement without surgery, who have realistic expectations and are in good overall health

5. How many treatments will I need?

  • The number of treatments varies depending on the individuals goals , and existing volume, as well as the number of vials applied per session – but typically ranges from 2 to 3 sessions

6. What is the duration of the effects of a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • Results can last up to two years or more, but individual experiences may vary

7. Is the procedure painful?

  • Discomfort is generally minimal, as topical anesthesia can be used to numb the treatment area before injections

8. What is the downtime associated with a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  •   There is minimal downtime Most people can return to their regular activities immediately, with some precautions to avoid strenuous exercise for a few days

9. Are there any side effects?

  • Common side effects include temporary swelling, bruising, and tenderness at the injection site Rare complications can include nodules or asymmetry

10. How soon will I see results?

  • Results develop gradually over several months as collagen production increases, with most patients seeing some noticeable improvements after a few weeks

11. Will I need maintenance treatments?

  • To maintain the desired volume and results, some individuals opt for follow-up or so called “touch up” treatments after the initial effects begin to diminish

12. How much does a Sculptra Butt Lift cost?

  • Costs vary based on the number of vials needed, provider expertise, and geographic location A consultation is necessary for an accurate quote. Keep in mind some of the best offerings come from the most experienced providers.


13. How should I prepare for the procedure?

  • Follow your providers pre-treatment instructions, which may include avoiding certain medications or supplements that can increase bruising

14. How do I choose the right provider for a Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • Look for a qualified and experienced provider with a track record of successful Sculptra treatments, particularly for buttock enhancements and of course visualize before and after photos.

15. Can Sculptra Butt Lift be combined with other treatments?

  • Yes, it can be combined with other treatments like cellulite reduction procedures for comprehensive enhancement

16. What is the recovery process like?

  • Recovery is typically easy, with some patients experiencing mild soreness Its recommended to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your provider

17. How can I ensure the best results from my Sculptra Butt Lift?

  • Choosing an experienced provider, following aftercare instructions, and keeping up with any recommended follow-up treatments are key

18. Can Sculptra injections be reversed or removed?

  •   No, once injected, Sculptra cannot be removed, but its effects will gradually diminish over time as the body absorbs the PLLA

19. Is Sculptra safe?

  • Yes, when administered by a trained professional, Sculptra is safe and FDA-approved for facial enhancements and used in an  off label manner for the buttox area .

20. Where can I see before and after photos of Sculptra Butt Lift results?

  • Before and after photos can typically be viewed during your consultation with a cosmetic provider or on their website or social media platforms


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Can Caffeine Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles? | Caffeine in Skin Care Products + Eye Creams Fri, 19 Apr 2024 12:10:14 +0000

A recent study found that consuming four to five cups of ground coffee per day and habitual coffee intake of up to five cups per day significantly reduced all-cause mortality and Cardiovascular (CV ) mortality – we can live longer and healthier with caffeine .

For cardiovascular health, recent studies have shown that coffee consumption, up to five cups daily, has been linked to a lower risk of conditions like hypertension and heart failure. This protective effect is largely due to coffee’s rich antioxidant content, which fights oxidative stress and inflammation. Interestingly, caffeine can both dilate and constrict blood vessels, depending on the area of the body and specific conditions, influencing overall circulatory health.

Beyond the heart, caffeine has shown promise in reducing the risk of physical frailty among older adults, indicating its potential to combat age-related decline in physical function. Its anti-inflammatory properties and muscle performance enhancement are thought to play a role here.

Embracing Caffeine’s Role in Our Skin Care Routine 

Moving to skin health, caffeine’s antioxidant properties may protect against photoaging, improve the skin barrier, and lower the risk of certain cancers. Caffeine eye creams and skincare products vasoconstrictive effects can also diminish redness and inflammation, contributing to better skin health. Notably, caffeine’s ability to decrease blood flow to the under-eye area suggests it could help reduce puffiness and dark circles, making it a popular ingredient in topical creams.

Many people use caffeine in their skincare routine as well as our daily consumption because of these long term benefits, but it will not generally bring back lost support below the skin. Caffeine is a great antioxidant, and a great vasoconstrictor making it a choice for topical applications and oral use, which may be of benefit in reducing the appearance of dark circles and eye bags. For people with sensitive skin types the often under-rated ingredient “caffeine usp” can protect against free radicals while helping to diminish the appearance of redness and irritation.  Some advanced medical grade SPF sunscreen products will include this powerful ingredient to enhance the sunscreen’s antioxidant properties to help in the fight against the damaging properties of over exposure to the sun.

Shop our VERVE SHOP Sunscreens 

Caffeine for Eye Bags and Dark Circles (Eye Creams, Eye Gel, + Eye Serum) 

Caffeine has vasoconstrictive properties, which can narrow the blood vessels beneath the skin, temporarily reducing the appearance of darkness and puffiness to the skin around the eyes or tired eyes. This diminution in blood flow can alleviate the look of tired, swollen, and puffy eyes, casting an appearance of  alertness and freshness over signs of fatigue.

Caffeine Application may temporarily soften the appearance of under-eye bags, yet it does not resort or lift, where lost foundation has occurred. The structural changes—the loss of bone density, the weakening of muscle, the redistribution of fat—remain unchanged.  Thus, while caffeine can offer a temporary benefit  from the visual signs  of under-eye bags, it cannot rebuild the eroded foundations. 

Caffeine has the ability to give some skin level effects by constricting blood vessels, and temporarily making improvements in the under eye area.

Genetics and time and age play as major variables in the shape of the under eye area. However, the biggest effects come with the loss of support from below the skin, such as lost bone, muscle, and fat. The skin creases with this lost support, resulting in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes. 

Bone resorption, a natural part of aging, erodes the once sturdy scaffolding of the face. Muscles, too, become smaller and add to this lost tone and  tone and firmness. Fat can be not only redistributed but also lost in areas of support – furthering the change in foundation below the skin.. collectively these changes result in the sagging and puffiness that result  as under-eye bags.

READ MORE: Home Remedies for Under Eye Bags

Benefits of Caffeine + Other Ways Caffeine Can Help Our Health 

Caffeine’s benefits extend to cognitive function and mental health, enhancing alertness and concentration while offering protective benefits against cognitive decline and depression. Its role in mood enhancement is mediated through effects on neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.

Antioxidant benefits of caffeine include reducing oxidative stress and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Moreover, caffeine enhances physical performance, aiding in endurance and weight management by boosting metabolic rate and fat oxidation.

However, it’s crucial to consider caffeine’s source and overall diet when assessing its benefits. Especially when it’s combined with a lot of sugar and high saturated fat creams  – it can negate the benefits. Opting for sources like black coffee and green tea, and personalizing intake based on individual health profiles, can maximize benefits while minimizing risks.

For those seeking more substantial changes, medical interventions, including fillers, or surgery, may offer a more direct approach to correcting or surgically adjusting for the structural deficits that cause  under-eye bags.


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Lip Filler: What to Expect + Potential Side Effects | Dermal Filler for Lip Augmentation Thu, 18 Apr 2024 12:10:18 +0000

Lip enhancement procedures, particularly through the use of fillers, have surged in popularity as a means to achieve fuller, more defined lips. The use of Botox and other neurotoxin brands are popular for the lip flip procedure which subtly changes the shape of the upper lip, where it becomes turned upward and outward. 

While these treatments are generally safe and effective when administered by experienced professionals, like any cosmetic procedure, they come with potential risks and side effects. Understanding these risks is crucial for anyone considering lip enhancement treatments, ensuring informed decisions and optimal outcomes.

Potential Side Effects of Lip Augmentation with Dermal Filler + Lip Flip 

Immediately following lip filler enhancement procedures, several common, temporary side effects may be observed. These typically subside on their own within a few days to a week:

  1. Swelling and Bruising: The most frequent side effects, swelling and bruising, can vary in intensity from mild to more pronounced, depending on the individual’s response to the treatment, types of dermal filler used, the technique used, and the amount of injectable dermal filler. Cannulas, because they are blunt, are less likely to cause bruising and swelling.
  2. Redness and Tenderness: The injection sites may be red and tender to the touch immediately following the procedure. This tenderness is generally mild and short-lived. Applying Greater amount of  filler may lead to more redness and swelling, Again – cannulas are less likely to lead to redness and tenderness, as there is less cutting of tissues, because the canal is blunt.
  3. Itching: Some individuals may experience itching around the treated area, which is usually a temporary reaction as the lips adjust to the filler.
  4. Lumps and Bumps: Occasionally, small lumps or bumps may form as the filler settles within the lip tissues. These can often be massaged gently to smooth out, but if they persist, a follow-up visit to the injector is advisable. an experienced injector will be able to reduce the hyaluronic acid filler with an enzyme called hyaluronidase – which can reduce bumps. 

While less common, there are several potential risks associated with lip fillers that patients should be aware of:

  1. Allergic Type  Reactions: Although rare, especially with hyaluronic acid fillers which are biocompatible and closely resemble substances naturally found in the body, allergic reactions can occur. Symptoms may include prolonged redness, swelling, itching, or hardness at the injection sites.
  2. Infection: Any procedure involving injections carries a risk of infection. Strict adherence to sterile techniques by the practitioner significantly minimizes this risk.
  3. Vascular Occlusion: One of the more serious complications, though rare, is vascular occlusion, where the filler inadvertently enters a blood vessel, potentially leading to tissue damage or necrosis. Immediate medical attention is required to address this issue. Persistent pain after filler injection is a potential indication that the blood vessels have been affected, and Medical intervention may be needed.
  4. Asymmetry and Irregularities: Achieving symmetrical results requires skill and experience on the part of the injector. technique or uneven filler distribution can lead to asymmetry or undesired aesthetic outcomes.
  5. Overfilling: Excessive filler can lead to an unnatural appearance, sometimes referred to as “duck lips” or “trout pout.” A skilled injector will aim for a result that harmonizes with the patient’s facial features and respects the natural lip anatomy.

Injecting too much too deep can lead to unnatural appearances, especially If the surrounding nasolabial fold is deep and untreated.

WATCH: What is the Difference Between a Lip Flip and Lip Fillers!? 

Lip Filler Procedures – Hyaluronic Acid Filler injected into the lips

Lip fillers physically increase the lips’ size and shape by adding volume. Dermal fillers, typically made from hyaluronic acid, are injected directly into the lips, where they attract moisture and plump up the tissue. This can significantly enhance lip volume, define the lip borders, and improve overall lip shape and symmetry.

The lips can be injected with either a needle or a tube-like device called a cannula. Needles cause more side effects, however are more precise. Cannulas in the right hand can reduce side effects while providing exceptional results. Needles are sharper and cut through more tissue as they are applying fillers. Cannulas on the other hand are blunt, and are able to slide under the skin, causing less trauma to tissues.

READ MORE: How Long Do Lip FIllers Last? 

Lip Flip Procedure – Botox injected into the upper lip  

Using Botox or other neurotoxin brands such as Dysport, Xeomin, Jeveau, or Daxify to reduce the muscular tension around the mouth in the upper lip area, can help project the upper lip upward and outward due to relaxation of muscle tension. A lip flip can improve the appearance of the upper lip, making it more projected and noticeable. However, over correction with Botox can result in weakness in the upper lip area. Difficulty pursing lips or difficulty with sipping from a straw, kissing or puckering lips – related to weakness of lip muscles. Asymmetry of the lips, if the muscle relaxation is greater on one side, it may appear that you have a droopy lip. 

Minimizing Risks and Managing Side Effects

Choosing an experienced and qualified injector is paramount in minimizing the risks associated with lip enhancement procedures. Medical  professionals who are fully dedicated to injectable and cosmetic medicine on a full-time basis are best equipped to perform these treatments safely. Pre-treatment consultations offer an opportunity to discuss individual risks, potential side effects, and to set realistic expectations. During this time, patients should disclose any medical history, allergies, or medications that could affect the procedure’s outcome. Post-treatment, following the aftercare instructions provided by the injector can help manage side effects and understand what to look for. 


Lip enhancement procedures, particularly with the use of hyaluronic acid fillers and botox like treatments for lip flip are a popular option for those seeking fuller appearing, more aesthetically pleasing lips. While these procedures are generally safe, being informed about the common side effects and potential risks is crucial. Optimal outcomes are most often achieved through the selection of an experienced injector, open communication regarding goals and concerns, and adherence to recommended aftercare . With these considerations in mind, many individuals can enjoy the benefits of lip enhancement with minimal complications.


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Vitamins to Help Reduce Dark Circles Under Your Eyes Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:00:16 +0000

While under eye bags are primarily a result of structural changes beneath the skin. These changes mainly involve the loss of supportive structures such as bone, muscle, as well as fat and fat redistribution.

While no single skincare or eye cream product or supplement can directly change these underlying anatomy changes, certain vitamins and supplements can support skin health, potentially reducing the severity of under eye bags indirectly and help to temporarily get rid of dark circles. 

What Causes Dark Circles and Eye Bags? 

Dark circles and under eye bags form when the skin under the eyes sags and folds. When we are younger the foundation below the skin made up of bone, muscle, and fat supports the under-eye area, preventing the formation of under-eye bags and dark circles. However, as we get older the foundation erodes causing the skin to sag and fold and the under-eye bags to appear. The appearance of dark circles around the eyes can be reduced by many different things including a change in diet, taking certain vitamins, and using dermal fillers to restore lost support.

The Role of Nutrition and Inflammation in Skin Health

The holistic nature of skin health underscores the close relationship between nutrition, inflammation, and aging, a concept newly termed “inflammaging”. Chronic inflammation accelerates the aging process, made visible in the skin through mechanisms that diminish cell repair capabilities and proliferate senescent or senile skin cells. The skin gut axis highlights how dietary choices influence gut microbiota, which in turn, affects the skin’s condition, the skin microbiome  and its aging trajectory.

Anti inflammatory foods and nutrients play a pivotal role in combating “inflammaging”.  In general a diversity of whole food plant based diets are the key to the gut microbiome and the health of our whole body, including the skin. Some of the powerful anti inflammatory ingredients and foods commonly mentioned mentioned are turmeric curcumin, garlic cloves, ginger, and omega 3 rich flaxseed and fish oils are all celebrated for their anti inflammatory properties These foods and supplements can help reduce systemic inflammation, potentially alleviating the severity of under eye bags and puffy eyes by improving overall skin health and resilience

WATCH: Home Remedies to Help With Under Eye Bags 

Essential Vitamins to Reduce Dark Circles: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, + Vitamin K 

Certain vitamins have been identified as particularly beneficial for skin health, but what are the best vitamins for skin care? 

  • Vitamin C is a powerhouse antioxidant that regenerates other antioxidants like vitamin E, contributing to photoprotective and anti inflammatory effects in the skin. It’s also crucial for collagen production, enhancing skin elasticity and firmness, which could benefit the under eye area. 
  • Vitamin E works synergistically with vitamin C to prevent lipid peroxidation and collagen cross linking, safeguarding skins structural integrity.
  • Vitamin A retinol and Vitamin D play roles in supporting skin growth, differentiation, and barrier function. These vitamins can modulate gene transcription and promote skin regeneration, also offering benefits to under eye skin health, ultimately to help reduce the appearance of under-eye circles.
  • Vitamin K helps make proteins that are needed for blood clotting and the building of bones. Prothrombin is a vitamin K-dependent protein directly involved with blood clotting. It also helps to strengthen your capillaries, which are the walls of your blood vessels.

Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine

Emerging research into mesenchymal stem cells MSCs derived from adipose tissue shows that fat in your body presents a promising frontier in regenerative medicine, potentially applicable to under eye rejuvenation. These stem cells exhibit a range of beneficial physiological effects, including regeneration, differentiation, anti fibrosis, and angiogenesis While the direct application of these findings to under eye bags is in its infancy, the prospect of using ones stem cells to regenerate tissue and restore lost supportive structures offers an exciting glimpse into future treatments.

Supplements to Help Reduce Dark Circles Under the Eyes 

Hydrolyzed collagen supplementation has shown promise in improving skin hydration, elasticity, and reducing wrinkles, according to systematic reviews and meta analyses. These effects could indirectly support the under eye area by enhancing the skin around your eyes quality and resilience

In conclusion, while vitamins and supplements cannot directly correct the structural changes that lead to dark circles under your eyes, a holistic approach incorporating. Whole plant foods, anti inflammatory nutrients, vitamins crucial for skin health, and emerging regenerative medicine techniques may offer supportive benefits. For those seeking immediate and targeted improvement to reduce the appearance of dark circles, techniques like the EYERISE filler procedure, which addresses the loss of supportive structures beneath the skin, represent a more restorative approach Ultimately, combining dietary and lifestyle interventions with advanced cosmetic treatments offers a comprehensive strategy for managing under eye bags and promoting overall skin health.

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Microneedling: What is It, How is it Used, and What are the Benefits? Mon, 15 Apr 2024 18:53:16 +0000

Microneedling, a mainstay in the minimally invasive cosmetic dermatology treatments,  and skin rejuvenation. Its popularity underscores a growing preference for minimally invasive procedures capable of delivering significant improvements in skin texture, reducing the signs of aging, and achieving a youthful complexion with minimal downtime.

This blog covers the intricacies of microneedling, exploring its benefits, the procedural itself , and setting realistic expectations for those considering this transformative treatment.

Introduction to Microneedling

In the realm of cosmetic advancements, microneedling distinguishes itself as a minimally invasive alternative to surgery or invasive laser treatments. This procedure is great for individuals eager to enhance their skin’s appearance, emphasizing natural rejuvenation, the stimulation of collagen production, and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. However this procedure should align with expectations and potential outcomes to achieve a successful microneedling experience.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is used to treat and rejuvenate the skin by initiating a natural healing process, utilizing fine needles to create micro-punctures. This action stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, promoting cellular rejuvenation and significantly improving the skin’s overall health and appearance.

Preparing for Microneedling

Achieving the best outcomes from microneedling starts with thorough preparation. A pre-treatment consultation with a skincare professional is crucial for assessing your skin’s specific needs and tailoring the treatment accordingly, ensuring microneedling delivers the most beneficial results unique to each individual.

The Microneedling Procedure

During the procedure, tiny needles make punctures to the skin to help stimulate the collagen in the area. The microneedling session is characterized by the precise use of professional-grade equipment to ensure the effectiveness and comfort of the treatment. Understanding the meticulous process behind microneedling, from the role of the equipment to the techniques employed, enhances appreciation for the procedure’s potential to transform the skin. 

Immediate Aftercare and Recovery

Post-treatment care is vital for healing and maximizing the benefits of microneedling. The recovery period is generally quick, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities soon after treatment while observing gradual improvements in their skin’s texture and appearance.

Benefits of Microneedling

  1.  Acne Scars and Aging Signs: Microneedling is celebrated for its efficacy in addressing acne scars and the visible signs of aging. Comparative before and after studies vividly showcase the procedure’s ability to smooth the skin’s texture, offering a more youthful and revitalized appearance.
  2. Improvements in Skin Texture and Pore Size: Beyond treating acne scars and wrinkles, microneedling excels in enhancing overall skin texture and minimizing the appearance of enlarged pores, revealing a smoother, more radiant complexion.
  3. Pigmentation and Skin Tone: The procedure proves effective in treating hyperpigmentation and evening out skin tone, with before and after photos illustrating the significant clarity and enhancement in complexion.

Safety Profile of Microneedling

Performed by certified professionals, microneedling’s safety profile is robust, supported by FDA approvals and stringent safety measures to ensure patient protection, reinforcing the procedure’s reliability and efficacy.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Microneedling

While generally safe, it’s essential to be aware of possible side effects such as swelling or bruising, fostering informed decisions and preparedness for the treatment journey.

Choosing a Safe Procedure

Ensuring a successful microneedling experience hinges on selecting FDA-approved devices  and experienced practitioners, emphasizing the importance of credentials and professional expertise in minimizing risks and achieving optimal results.

Enhancing Microneedling Results

Complementing treatments and tailored skincare routines significantly bolster the benefits of microneedling. Recommendations for post-treatment care, including sun protection and the use of suitable skincare products, play a crucial role in sustaining the treatment’s results.

Embracing Personalized Care

Microneedling signifies an advancement in cosmetic treatments, advocating for personalized care.

It encourages individuals to seek professional consultations to explore tailored treatment plans, ensuring the journey to skin rejuvenation is both informed and transformative.

For those contemplating microneedling, the path forward involves selecting the right provider. Preparing for the consultation and forming questions are integral steps in embarking on a journey toward achieving the desired aesthetic goals, marking the beginning of a transformative experience with microneedling.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Microneedling? Microneedling, or Collagen Induction Therapy, is a procedure that uses fine needles to create tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, which stimulates collagen and elastin production.
  • How does Microneedling promote skin rejuvenation? The tiny wounds created by microneedling trigger the body’s wound healing processes, resulting in cell turnover and increased collagen and elastin production. This process smoothens and firms the skin, reducing signs of aging.
  • What skin concerns can Microneedling address? Microneedling is effective in treating a variety of skin issues, including acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, uneven skin texture, and overall skin tone.
  • Is Microneedling painful? A topical numbing cream is applied before the procedure to minimize discomfort. Patients may feel slight pressure or a prickling sensation, but the treatment is generally well-tolerated.
  • What is the downtime after Microneedling? Most patients experience minimal downtime, with side effects like redness and swelling lasting from a few hours to a couple of days, depending on the treatment’s intensity.
  • How many Microneedling sessions are needed? The number of sessions varies based on individual skin conditions and goals. Typically, a series of 3-6 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart, is recommended for optimal results.
  • Can Microneedling be combined with other treatments? Yes, combining Microneedling with treatments like PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) or laser therapy can enhance results by further stimulating the skin’s healing process.
  • Who is an ideal candidate for Microneedling? Ideal candidates for Microneedling are those looking to improve the appearance of their skin without undergoing invasive surgery. It’s suitable for all skin types and colors.
  • What should I expect during a Microneedling session? After applying a numbing cream, a professional will use a microneedling device to treat the targeted area. The procedure typically lasts about 30 minutes.
  • How should I care for my skin after Microneedling? Post-treatment care involves hydrating the skin, applying recommended serums, and protecting it from the sun. Avoiding makeup and strenuous exercise for a short period may also be advised.
  • Are there any side effects or risks with Microneedling? Common side effects include redness, swelling, and discomfort at the treatment site, which usually subside within a few days. Serious complications are rare when performed by a qualified professional.
  • Why choose VERVE Medical Cosmetics for Microneedling? VERVE has over two decades of medical experience providing personalized cosmetic treatments, utilizing FDA-approved devices like SkinPen, and conducted by medically licensed professionals.
  • What areas of the body can be treated with Microneedling? Besides the face, Microneedling can be effectively applied to the neck, décolleté, chest, hands, and other body areas with scars or stretch marks.
  • How long until I see results from Microneedling? While some improvements may be visible shortly after treatment, the full benefits of Microneedling, including smoother and firmer skin, typically emerge after a series of sessions.
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How Much Does a Sculptra BBL Cost? Fri, 12 Apr 2024 14:29:10 +0000 0 Cost of Radiesse and Sculptra Buttocks Injections | Sculptra BBL nonadult Cost of Radiesse and Sculptra Buttocks Injections | Sculptra Butt Lift Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:42:07 +0000

Radiesse and Sculptra are preferred for buttocks augmentation due to the substantial amount of product required, which is typically offered at a significant discount compared to facial applications. These fillers, known for producing excellent results in augmenting the buttocks, are most effective when the correct techniques and amounts are used.

Pricing at Verve Medical Cosmetics Verve Medical Cosmetics in NY, NJ, and Miami specializes in injectables, offering competitive pricing for buttocks augmentation. The cost for Sculptra starts at $499 per vial, with discounts of $450 per vial for larger procedures. Radiesse begins at $450 per syringe, discounted to $350 for extensive treatments.

How Much Does a Sculptra Butt Lift Cost 

Sculptra Injections for the Buttocks Sculptra uses poly-L-lactic acid to stimulate collagen production, gradually enhancing buttocks volume and skin texture. In New York City, Sculptra treatment starts at $700 or more per vial, with the price decreasing to around $500 per vial for larger procedures. This tiered pricing accommodates various individual needs and reflects the customized approach to achieving aesthetic goals.

For VERVE Medical Cosmetics pricing, please check our Non-Surgical Butt Lift page.  

NOTE: This blog was written in March 2024. Pricing may change based on when you are reading this

Radiesse Butt Injections 

Radiesse Injections for the Buttocks Radiesse provides immediate volume and stimulates ongoing collagen production with its calcium hydroxylapatite formula. New York City pricing for Radiesse starts at about $600 per syringe, with potential reductions to $400 per syringe for extensive procedures. This flexibility allows broader access to Radiesse treatments, catering to diverse aesthetic preferences and budgets.

Injectable BBL Process and Expectations 

Navigating the Cost Landscape Pricing varies based on the number of vials or syringes needed, reflecting the tailored nature of buttocks enhancements. Cost factors include the desired augmentation extent, baseline buttocks volume and shape, and treatment goals.

A comprehensive consultation is vital to assess suitability, discuss aesthetic goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan. This discussion should cover pricing, anticipated results, and session numbers to provide a clear understanding of the investment required.

Dermal Filler Brazilian Butt Lift Conclusion and Next Steps

Customized Enhancements Sculptra and Radiesse injections offer a personalized approach to buttocks enhancement, allowing for significant aesthetic improvements while aligning with individual goals and lifestyles. Whether seeking gradual volume build-up with Sculptra or immediate effects with Radiesse, patients in New York City can access tailored treatments promising aesthetic enhancement and satisfaction.

Final Thoughts The cost of Sculptra and Radiesse buttocks injections presents as a range, reflecting the customized nature of each treatment plan. Prospective patients are encouraged to have in-depth consultations with their practitioners to fully explore the possibilities and financial aspects of buttocks enhancements with Sculptra and Radiesse.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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What is the average cost of Radiesse and Sculptra buttocks injections?

The cost of Radiesse buttocks injections can vary depending on the volume of filler needed, the provider’s expertise, and geographical location. Prices typically start from $600 per syringe of Radiesse and $700 per vial of Sculptra in New York City – however, discounts are common with larger treatments.

How many Radiesse injections will I need for buttock augmentation?

The number of injections needed depends on the desired results and the current shape of your buttocks. Your provider will create a treatment plan during the initial consultation to estimate the number of syringes required. it is not uncommon to select 6 to 10 syringes of Radiesse for an initial buttocks treatment .

Is Sculptra more expensive than Radiesse for buttock enhancement?

Sculpture may be more expensive than Radiesse due to higher product cost.   However, Sculptra tends to be a longer-lasting filler and might be more costly upfront but can offer longer-term value.

Are buttocks injections of Radiesse or Sculptra covered by insurance?

Cosmetic injections for buttock augmentation are generally not covered by insurance as they are considered elective off-label procedures.

Can I finance the cost of Radiesse or Sculptra buttocks injections?

Many providers offer financing options or payment plans to help make the treatment more affordable. Be sure to ask your provider about available financing options.

How long do the results from Radiesse or Sculptra buttocks injections last?

Results can vary; Radiesse effects might last a year or more, while Sculptra can last up to 2 years or more. This can impact the long-term cost of your treatment plan.

Do Radiesse and Sculptra buttocks injections require maintenance?

Yes, maintenance sessions are typically required to uphold the augmentation effect as the body gradually metabolizes the fillers.

Are there any additional costs associated with Radiesse or Sculptra buttocks injections?

Some additional costs might include consultation fees, post-treatment care products, or follow-up appointments.  

Will the cost of Radiesse or Sculptra injections differ based on the clinic or provider?

Yes, costs can vary widely based on the clinic’s location, the provider’s expertise, and their reputation in cosmetic treatments.

Are discounts or specials available for Radiesse or Sculptra buttocks injections?

Some providers offer specials and discounts for purchasing multiple sessions upfront, so-called bundling. 

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Different Treatment Options for Under-Eye Bags VS Dark Circles? Wed, 03 Apr 2024 21:39:25 +0000 Is there a difference in treatment options for under-eye bags vs dark circles? Yes – however often having under eye bags is the cause of worsening pigmentation in the under eye area . So in many cases treating the under eye bags will improve the darkness under the eyes . Less commonly the pigmentation and dark circles is a medically related or a skin condition. 

What Causes Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Under-eye bags are frequently most characterized by the loss of supportive structures beneath the skin, contributing to creases and darkness in the under-eye area. This loss of under-skin supportive structures, notably muscle, bone, and fat loss or repositioning, plays a major role in the development of eye bags. Under-eye bags are synonymous with puffy eyes, dark circles, and a tired appearance around the eyes, resulting from a variety of factors. 

Aging can also lead to the loss of collagen and elastin, fluid retention,  and is also related to lack of sleep, allergies, and is worsened by genetic predisposition. 

As the skin around the eye loses its supportive structure from below the skin, the eye bag creases are a main result. Furthermore, the skin’s elasticity and firmness lessen with aging, and the lower eyelid may begin to accumulate excess skin and fat shifts , leading to pronounced bags under the eyes.

Pigmentation can also be a stand alone condition without eye bags  in such a case the skin may benefit from treatments or medical treatments for medical conditions that may be causing inflammation to be treated. For example, treatments for skin pigmentation  can include micro needling, chemical peels, micro needling with RF , lasers or topical medications such as bleaching creams or anti-inflammatory medications.

Medical conditions, such as hormonal, endocrine or diabetes related conditions may be associated factor in the appearance of dark circles and bags around your eyes.  

Makeup can offer a quick fix for hiding under-eye bags, but it’s a temporary solution that doesn’t tackle the root cause of the issue. While concealer and foundation might mask the shadows and lines for a while, they simply cover up the surface signs without improving the skin’s underlying structure. In fact, relying heavily on makeup for this purpose can have its downsides, such as potential allergic reactions or irritation in the sensitive under-eye area, which might actually worsen the appearance of bags or puffiness over time.

Moreover, frequent makeup use can disrupt the skin’s natural microbiome—the community of microorganisms that protects and maintains skin health—leading to further skin issues and possibly speeding up aging around the eyes. This is particularly concerning given the delicate nature of under-eye skin and its susceptibility to damage.

For those looking for a more lasting and skin-friendly solution to under-eye bags, considering treatments that directly address the structural causes is a smarter approach. Procedures like the EyeRise™ filler technique, which lifts and smooths the under-eye area from within, can provide a more natural, rested look without the drawbacks associated with daily makeup application. This method not only reduces the need for cosmetic concealment but also supports the skin’s health and appearance in the long term, offering a more sustainable and effective alternative to merely hiding the problem with makeup

Treatment Options for Under-Eye Bags and Dark Circles

The main choices for treating under eyebags is through a surgical procedure called Blepharoplasty , or a non surgical under  eye filler procedure, such as Eyerise 

The EyeRise method, a cosmetic filler treatment, specifically targets the root cause of under-eye bags by replenishing lost volume and tightening and lifting the skin closer to its original resting position . Utilizing a combination of hyaluronic acid filler for the tear trough and a firmer filler such as Radiesse for the midface, this method offers a holistic non-surgical solution to diminish the appearance of under-eye bags and dark circles.

Most often the appearance of underdrive bags is related to both zones the tear trough zone, and also the midface zone ( malar area ) – best results come from treating both areas together. 

  • Minimally Invasive: Contrary to blepharoplasty, which entails cutting, removing, or repositioning tissues and necessitates a much longer recovery time, the Eyerise method is minimally invasive, ensuring a more immediate return to daily activities post-treatment. Customizable Treatment EyeRise fillers can be precisely tailored to meet the individual needs of each person, addressing the unique contours of their under-eye area to achieve natural-looking results. 
  • Restores Volume: By directly addressing the loss of supportive structures beneath the skin, such as bone and muscle, the Eyerise method effectively reduces the shadow effect contributing to dark circles, enhancing the overall shape, texture, and firmness of the skin around the eye.
  •  Under-eye Filler Results: These resultscan be enhanced with multiple EyeRise filler visits to maximize the effectiveness. Immediate Results Patients often observe a noticeable improvement in the appearance of under-eye bags right after the initial procedure, with results that can endure up to a year or more, contingent on individual skin factors and lifestyle.  Dermal cosmetic fillers are well-tolerated  by the body and safe , rendering the risk of allergic reactions and permanent adverse effects exceedingly rare. 

READ MORE: Under Eye Filler Treatment Options: Everything You Need to Know 

Choosing the Right Dark Circle and Under-Eye Treatment

When determining the most appropriate approach for treating under-eye bags, it’s essential to consult with a specialist who focuses specifically on plastic surgery for the eye area, ideally one who limits there practice to plastic surgery in this area or a provider who is dedicated to cosmetic fillers, ideally one who has dedicated their practice to injectables and specializes in the under eye area.

These separate specialists can provide insightful recommendations tailored to your specific condition and desired outcomes, whether surgical or non-surgical approaches are chosen. Assessing Your Needs If your primary concerns revolve around under-eye bags, dark circles, and a tired appearance, the Eyerise method might offer the transformative results you seek. Considering Your Lifestyle For individuals inclined to avoid the downtime associated with surgery, the less invasive filler treatments like Eyerise present an appealing alternative. Long-Term Goals It’s crucial to ascertain whether you’re in pursuit of a temporary enhancement such as makeup, a long-lasting but adjustable approach such as the Eyerise filler technique, or permanent change through surgical solutions. 

While fillers provide lasting yet non-permanent results, they offer a viable means to receive significant changes to the under-eye area prior to making permanent changes with  surgical interventions.

In summary, the Eyerise under-eye filler method is recognized as a versatile, safe, and efficacious treatment for mitigating the appearance of under-eye bags and revitalizing the eye area. By confronting the loss of supportive structures and ameliorating skin quality, this method furnishes a substantiated solution for individuals desiring to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance without undergoing surgery. Ultimately, the decision regarding treatment should be made following a consultation with a qualified professional who can guide you towards the optimal choice for your individual needs and aspirations, guaranteeing the most favorable outcome

READ MORE: How Can I Get Rid of Eye Bags? 

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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Can under-eye bags return after treatment? 

Yes, cosmetic fillers are designed to an enhanced support system under the eye and are adjustable overtime. It is recommended that fillers be repeated on an annual basis to maintain the best results.

Wil cosmetic surgery only be required once?

Cosmetic surgery, such as blepharoplasty will need surgical adjustments in the future as they’ll be a continuous aging process and loss of supportive structures, as time goes on. 

Is EyeRise or fillers an option if I have had eye bag removal surgery?

Yes, most patients can still receive an EyeRise filler treatment even if you’ve received a blepharoplasty procedure. 

Are dark circles always a sign of aging?

 In most cases, dark circles are related to the loss of supportive structures under the skin and related to increased creasing under the eyes. However dark circles can be related to a host of medical conditions, and or dermatologic conditions.

How long does the EyeRise method’s effect last? 

The eye rise method is recommended to be repeated on an annual basis.

Can lifestyle changes reduce the appearance of under-eye bags or dark circles? 

Yes, lifestyle variables, such as sleep nutrition with a Whole Foods plant-based diet, fitness, cardiovascular and muscle strength, as well as avoidance of toxins from alcohol, tobacco and marijuana go a long way in improving circulation and health related to eyebags.

Is blepharoplasty a better option than filler treatments for severe under-eye bags? 

That eye-rise technique is quite effective for most severe under-eye bag cases – so Blepharoplasty is not always necessary

Can I use makeup to cover dark circles if I have under-eye fillers? 

Yes, makeup can be applied, but the goal is to rest the skin under the eyes so the crease is lessened and there is less darkness under the eyes. The goal is to wake up to no makeup.

How can I tell if my dark circles are due to pigmentation or shadowing?

The best way to tell if dark circles are related to pigment or shadowing is to see a professional that addresses my area all day long such as a dedicated under eye, filler specialist, or an ocular plastic surgeon.

Is the EyeRise method suitable for all skin types? 

Yes, the EyeRise method is is not treating the skin, but the foundation under the skin, and so it can treat all skin types.

Can under-eye treatments help with fine lines and wrinkles as well?

By applying fillers under the eye in the tear trough, and the midface, the goal is to reduce the crease and bags under the eyes. In doing, so there may be improvements in the fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes, but fine lines and wrinkles may need to be addressed separately.

What are the risks associated with under-eye filler treatments? 

The main risk for under eye fillers are bruising and swelling. It’s always advisable to look at all the risks of fillers with your medical physician.

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