Are the Bags Under Your Eyes Indicating a Health Issue? | Tips to g... Practicing For Over Two Decades, Dr. Stephen Bracci Is A Leading Physician And Pioneer In The Advancement Of Age-Reversing Aesthetics. Verve Medical Cosmetics Offers The Most Focused Non-Surgical Solutions. Thu, 25 Apr 2024 12:00:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Are the Bags Under Your Eyes Indicating a Health Issue? | Tips to g... 32 32 Are the Bags Under Your Eyes Indicating a Health Issue? | Tips to get rid of bags under eyes Thu, 25 Apr 2024 12:00:18 +0000

Bags under your eyes are one of the most common problems we correct at VERVE Medical Cosmetics. There are multiple causes of under eye bags, but are there any health issues that may be indicated by bags under your eyes? 

What Causes Bags Under Eyes? 

Under eye bags are often associated with fatigue or aging, but can sometimes be indicative of underlying health issues. Their presence not only affects aesthetic appearance but may also serve as a subtle signal from the body about deeper health concerns. Understanding the potential health implications behind under eye bags is crucial for addressing both cosmetic and health-related aspects effectively.

Fluid Retention and Kidney Function

One of the common medical reasons for worsening bags around your eyes is fluid retention. This condition can be exacerbated by factors such as high salt intake, hormonal fluctuations, and poor sleep. However, persistent fluid retention, particularly in the under eye area, could  also point to compromised kidney function. The kidneys play a vital role in removing excess fluid and waste from the body. When they are not functioning optimally, fluid can accumulate, leading to swelling in various parts of the body, including under the eyes.

Allergies and Sinus Problems

Under eye bags can also be a manifestation of allergies or sinus issues. Allergic reactions can cause inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages, leading to congestion. This congestion can hinder proper drainage and cause blood vessels in the under eye area to become dilated or engorged, which in turn can manifest as puffiness or dark circles. Chronic sinus infections, which are often linked to allergies, can have a similar effect, emphasizing the importance of managing allergies and sinus health to mitigate under eye concerns.

Thyroid Health

As previously discussed, thyroid disorders, both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, can impact the skin and tissues around the eyes. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and influence the health and appearance of the skin. Imbalances in these hormones can lead to changes in skin texture, elasticity, and fat distribution, contributing to the appearance of under eye bags. Hyperthyroidism can cause the skin to become thin and fragile, while hypothyroidism might lead to puffiness and swelling in the face, including the under eye area.

Sleep Patterns and Cardiovascular Health

Lack of sleep and poor sleep quality can contribute to the appearance of under eye bags, but they also have broader implications for cardiovascular health. Chronic sleep deprivation is linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. These conditions are associated with  poor circulation and fluid imbalance, further exacerbating under eye bags. Ensuring adequate and restful sleep is thus essential not only for reducing under eye bags but also for maintaining overall cardiovascular health.

Lifestyle Factors

Certain lifestyle choices, including regular  alcohol consumption, marijuana use,  and smoking and vaping, can contribute to the development of under eye bags and also worsen  broader health issues. Alcohol can lead to dehydration and poor sleep quality, while smoking vaping and marijuana use  can accelerate the aging process of the skin and impair circulation. Lifestyle habits can worsen the appearance of under eye bags and are associated with a range of health risks, including liver damage, cardiovascular diseases and toxic effects on all organs of the body, including the skin. 

READ MORE: 9 Lifestyle Changes That Can Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes

Addressing Under Eye Bags and Health Concerns

Recognizing under eye bags as a potential indicator of health issues prompts a holistic approach to treatment. This includes:

  1. Medical Evaluation: Regular consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine if under eye bags are linked to any underlying health conditions that require attention.
  2. Lifestyle Modifications: Embracing a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise including both cardiovascular and full-body strength training, adequate hydration, and proper sleep, can mitigate under eye bags and improve overall health.
  3. Cosmetic Treatments: While addressing potential health issues, cosmetic treatments like the EyeRise filler procedure can provide aesthetic improvement by restoring lost support  beneath the skin, offering a more youthful, refreshed and natural appearance.

Home Remedies to Combat Dark Circles and Under-Eye Bags

There are numerous natural remedies that may help in reducing under eye bags and puffy eyes, however, there are also numerous natural remedies that may serve as a protection against eyebags in the long term or to help get rid of bags. 

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Eye Bags 

  • Hydration
  • Sleep Quality and Position
  • Cold Compresses and Cucumber Slices
  • Caffeinated Tea Bags
  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet
  • Sun Exposure Management
  • Regular Exercise
  • Inflammations Central Role


Cosmetic Ways to Get Rid of Bags Under the Eyes

EyeRise: Non-Surgical Under-Eye Filler

EyeRise utilizes gentle dermal fillers like Belotero and Radiesse to enhance structural support. Multiple filler types are combined for optimal results. The goal is to lift and support the skin beneath the under-eye and mid-face areas, restoring their original position without the need for cutting or stretching. 

Blepharoplasty: Eyelid Surgery and Under-Eye Bag Removal

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure primarily designed to improve the appearance of under eye bags and dark circles by focusing on the lower eyelids. During the procedure, your surgeon’s goal is to remove or reposition excess skin, fat, and muscle. The results of a lower blepharoplasty are to reduce creases through cutting, removing, and repositioning tissues. However, this surgical method not only changes the appearance of the area around the eyes but also impacts the micro blood vessels supplying the tissue. 

In summary, while under eye bags may be a medical sign for some – for many the underlying confluence of genetics, lifestyle and aging  plays the most significant role.  By seeking regular health provider visits , and adopting a comprehensive approach to wellness, individuals can minimize the risks associated with under eye bags. Promoting both external beauty and internal health can be done simultaneously.  

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Bracci

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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Different Treatment Options for Under-Eye Bags VS Dark Circles? Wed, 03 Apr 2024 21:39:25 +0000 Is there a difference in treatment options for under-eye bags vs dark circles? Yes – however often having under eye bags is the cause of worsening pigmentation in the under eye area . So in many cases treating the under eye bags will improve the darkness under the eyes . Less commonly the pigmentation and dark circles is a medically related or a skin condition. 

What Causes Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles

Under-eye bags are frequently most characterized by the loss of supportive structures beneath the skin, contributing to creases and darkness in the under-eye area. This loss of under-skin supportive structures, notably muscle, bone, and fat loss or repositioning, plays a major role in the development of eye bags. Under-eye bags are synonymous with puffy eyes, dark circles, and a tired appearance around the eyes, resulting from a variety of factors. 

Aging can also lead to the loss of collagen and elastin, fluid retention,  and is also related to lack of sleep, allergies, and is worsened by genetic predisposition. 

As the skin around the eye loses its supportive structure from below the skin, the eye bag creases are a main result. Furthermore, the skin’s elasticity and firmness lessen with aging, and the lower eyelid may begin to accumulate excess skin and fat shifts , leading to pronounced bags under the eyes.

Pigmentation can also be a stand alone condition without eye bags  in such a case the skin may benefit from treatments or medical treatments for medical conditions that may be causing inflammation to be treated. For example, treatments for skin pigmentation  can include micro needling, chemical peels, micro needling with RF , lasers or topical medications such as bleaching creams or anti-inflammatory medications.

Medical conditions, such as hormonal, endocrine or diabetes related conditions may be associated factor in the appearance of dark circles and bags around your eyes.  

Makeup can offer a quick fix for hiding under-eye bags, but it’s a temporary solution that doesn’t tackle the root cause of the issue. While concealer and foundation might mask the shadows and lines for a while, they simply cover up the surface signs without improving the skin’s underlying structure. In fact, relying heavily on makeup for this purpose can have its downsides, such as potential allergic reactions or irritation in the sensitive under-eye area, which might actually worsen the appearance of bags or puffiness over time.

Moreover, frequent makeup use can disrupt the skin’s natural microbiome—the community of microorganisms that protects and maintains skin health—leading to further skin issues and possibly speeding up aging around the eyes. This is particularly concerning given the delicate nature of under-eye skin and its susceptibility to damage.

For those looking for a more lasting and skin-friendly solution to under-eye bags, considering treatments that directly address the structural causes is a smarter approach. Procedures like the EyeRise™ filler technique, which lifts and smooths the under-eye area from within, can provide a more natural, rested look without the drawbacks associated with daily makeup application. This method not only reduces the need for cosmetic concealment but also supports the skin’s health and appearance in the long term, offering a more sustainable and effective alternative to merely hiding the problem with makeup

Treatment Options for Under-Eye Bags and Dark Circles

The main choices for treating under eyebags is through a surgical procedure called Blepharoplasty , or a non surgical under  eye filler procedure, such as Eyerise 

The EyeRise method, a cosmetic filler treatment, specifically targets the root cause of under-eye bags by replenishing lost volume and tightening and lifting the skin closer to its original resting position . Utilizing a combination of hyaluronic acid filler for the tear trough and a firmer filler such as Radiesse for the midface, this method offers a holistic non-surgical solution to diminish the appearance of under-eye bags and dark circles.

Most often the appearance of underdrive bags is related to both zones the tear trough zone, and also the midface zone ( malar area ) – best results come from treating both areas together. 

  • Minimally Invasive: Contrary to blepharoplasty, which entails cutting, removing, or repositioning tissues and necessitates a much longer recovery time, the Eyerise method is minimally invasive, ensuring a more immediate return to daily activities post-treatment. Customizable Treatment EyeRise fillers can be precisely tailored to meet the individual needs of each person, addressing the unique contours of their under-eye area to achieve natural-looking results. 
  • Restores Volume: By directly addressing the loss of supportive structures beneath the skin, such as bone and muscle, the Eyerise method effectively reduces the shadow effect contributing to dark circles, enhancing the overall shape, texture, and firmness of the skin around the eye.
  •  Under-eye Filler Results: These resultscan be enhanced with multiple EyeRise filler visits to maximize the effectiveness. Immediate Results Patients often observe a noticeable improvement in the appearance of under-eye bags right after the initial procedure, with results that can endure up to a year or more, contingent on individual skin factors and lifestyle.  Dermal cosmetic fillers are well-tolerated  by the body and safe , rendering the risk of allergic reactions and permanent adverse effects exceedingly rare. 

READ MORE: Under Eye Filler Treatment Options: Everything You Need to Know 

Choosing the Right Dark Circle and Under-Eye Treatment

When determining the most appropriate approach for treating under-eye bags, it’s essential to consult with a specialist who focuses specifically on plastic surgery for the eye area, ideally one who limits there practice to plastic surgery in this area or a provider who is dedicated to cosmetic fillers, ideally one who has dedicated their practice to injectables and specializes in the under eye area.

These separate specialists can provide insightful recommendations tailored to your specific condition and desired outcomes, whether surgical or non-surgical approaches are chosen. Assessing Your Needs If your primary concerns revolve around under-eye bags, dark circles, and a tired appearance, the Eyerise method might offer the transformative results you seek. Considering Your Lifestyle For individuals inclined to avoid the downtime associated with surgery, the less invasive filler treatments like Eyerise present an appealing alternative. Long-Term Goals It’s crucial to ascertain whether you’re in pursuit of a temporary enhancement such as makeup, a long-lasting but adjustable approach such as the Eyerise filler technique, or permanent change through surgical solutions. 

While fillers provide lasting yet non-permanent results, they offer a viable means to receive significant changes to the under-eye area prior to making permanent changes with  surgical interventions.

In summary, the Eyerise under-eye filler method is recognized as a versatile, safe, and efficacious treatment for mitigating the appearance of under-eye bags and revitalizing the eye area. By confronting the loss of supportive structures and ameliorating skin quality, this method furnishes a substantiated solution for individuals desiring to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance without undergoing surgery. Ultimately, the decision regarding treatment should be made following a consultation with a qualified professional who can guide you towards the optimal choice for your individual needs and aspirations, guaranteeing the most favorable outcome

READ MORE: How Can I Get Rid of Eye Bags? 

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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Can under-eye bags return after treatment? 

Yes, cosmetic fillers are designed to an enhanced support system under the eye and are adjustable overtime. It is recommended that fillers be repeated on an annual basis to maintain the best results.

Wil cosmetic surgery only be required once?

Cosmetic surgery, such as blepharoplasty will need surgical adjustments in the future as they’ll be a continuous aging process and loss of supportive structures, as time goes on. 

Is EyeRise or fillers an option if I have had eye bag removal surgery?

Yes, most patients can still receive an EyeRise filler treatment even if you’ve received a blepharoplasty procedure. 

Are dark circles always a sign of aging?

 In most cases, dark circles are related to the loss of supportive structures under the skin and related to increased creasing under the eyes. However dark circles can be related to a host of medical conditions, and or dermatologic conditions.

How long does the EyeRise method’s effect last? 

The eye rise method is recommended to be repeated on an annual basis.

Can lifestyle changes reduce the appearance of under-eye bags or dark circles? 

Yes, lifestyle variables, such as sleep nutrition with a Whole Foods plant-based diet, fitness, cardiovascular and muscle strength, as well as avoidance of toxins from alcohol, tobacco and marijuana go a long way in improving circulation and health related to eyebags.

Is blepharoplasty a better option than filler treatments for severe under-eye bags? 

That eye-rise technique is quite effective for most severe under-eye bag cases – so Blepharoplasty is not always necessary

Can I use makeup to cover dark circles if I have under-eye fillers? 

Yes, makeup can be applied, but the goal is to rest the skin under the eyes so the crease is lessened and there is less darkness under the eyes. The goal is to wake up to no makeup.

How can I tell if my dark circles are due to pigmentation or shadowing?

The best way to tell if dark circles are related to pigment or shadowing is to see a professional that addresses my area all day long such as a dedicated under eye, filler specialist, or an ocular plastic surgeon.

Is the EyeRise method suitable for all skin types? 

Yes, the EyeRise method is is not treating the skin, but the foundation under the skin, and so it can treat all skin types.

Can under-eye treatments help with fine lines and wrinkles as well?

By applying fillers under the eye in the tear trough, and the midface, the goal is to reduce the crease and bags under the eyes. In doing, so there may be improvements in the fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes, but fine lines and wrinkles may need to be addressed separately.

What are the risks associated with under-eye filler treatments? 

The main risk for under eye fillers are bruising and swelling. It’s always advisable to look at all the risks of fillers with your medical physician.

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How Does Smoking Affect Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles? Fri, 01 Mar 2024 17:00:25 +0000

Smoking, a habit fraught with a multitude of adverse health effects, significantly impacts the appearance of under-eye bags and may cause dark circles, primarily through its detrimental effects on various bodily systems. Understanding how smoking contributes to the development and exacerbation of bags under the eyes requires an exploration of its wide-ranging influence on the body’s cardiovascular, immunologic, and lymphatic systems, along with its impact on the nervous system, and the structural components of the skin, including muscle, bone, and fat, especially as they relate to the under-eye area.

Cardiovascular Impact

Smoking has a profound effect on the cardiovascular system, impairing blood circulation throughout the body. Nicotine, a potent vasoconstrictor found in cigarettes, narrows blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the skin. This diminished circulation deprives the skin of essential nutrients and oxygen, leading to a decrease in collagen production and a reduction in the skin’s elasticity. The under-eye area, characterized by its thin and delicate skin, becomes particularly vulnerable to the development of bags, sags, and wrinkles in the eye area due to compromised skin health and integrity.

Immunologic and Lymphatic Systems

The toxins present in cigarette smoke pose significant challenges to the body’s immune system, impairing its ability to fight infections and repair tissue damage. This immunosuppression can lead to increased inflammation throughout the body, including the skin and bags under your eyes, contributing to puffiness and bag formation. Additionally, smoking can obstruct the normal functioning of the lymphatic system, leading to fluid buildup and exacerbating the appearance of under-eye bags due to inadequate lymphatic drainage.

Effects on the Nervous System

Smoking impacts the nervous system by inducing stress responses that elevate cortisol levels in the body. Elevated cortisol can lead to fluid retention and the accumulation of fat under the eyes, further accentuating under-eye bags. Moreover, the stimulation of the nervous system by nicotine disrupts sleep patterns, depriving individuals of the restorative effects of sleep. This lack of quality sleep can result in increased fluid retention and vascular dilation, making dark circles under your eyes and under-eye bags more prominent.

Influence on Muscle, Bone, and Fat

The structural integrity around your eyes is supported by the synergistic relationship between muscle, bone, and fat. Smoking accelerates the degradation of these supportive structures, leading to a loss of elasticity and firmness in the skin. The depletion of fat pads under the eyes, coupled with the weakening of facial muscles and bone resorption, causes the skin to sag and bulge, forming pronounced under-eye bags. The redistribution of fat due to smoking-induced hormonal changes can also contribute to the altered appearance of the under-eye area.

Holistic Effects

Beyond its direct impacts on specific systems, smoking affects the skins overall health and appearance by promoting oxidative stress and reducing antioxidant levels in the body. The increased production of free radicals and the decreased ability to combat oxidative damage lead to premature aging of the skin, making under-eye bags more likely to form and persist.


In conclusion, smoking exerts a multifaceted detrimental effect on the body, contributing significantly to the formation and exacerbation of under-eye bags. Its impact spans from impairing cardiovascular health and lymphatic drainage to compromising the immune system, disrupting sleep, and degrading the structural components critical to the skin’s elasticity and appearance. The culmination of these effects is a pronounced change in the under-eye area, where bags become more visible and persistent.

Preventing or mitigating under-eye bags in smokers, or those recently quit, involves addressing the habits root cause by quitting smoking. Concurrently, adopting a comprehensive skincare and health regimen that includes proper nutrition, hydration, regular exercise, and adequate sleep can help counteract some of smoking’s adverse effects on the under-eye area. By nourishing the body from within and protecting the skin from external damages, including sun exposure and smoking, individuals can significantly improve the appearance and health of their under-eye area, reflecting a more vibrant and youthful complexion in their skin tone.

Why Choose EyeRise, the Premiere Under-Eye Filler Treatment 

EyeRise is a non-surgical technique for eye bag removal and under-eye circles, created by master injector Dr. Stephen Bracci and exclusively available at Verve. Dr. Bracci is known for treating the under-eye area and he developed this innovative method for reducing tired or aged appearance underneath the eyes. During the procedure, a tailored combination of cosmetic fillers are injected under the eyes, and the mid-face (malar) region. The goal of the procedure is to reduce the appearance of eye bags and restore the skin to its original position, by using different cosmetic fillers for each layer underneath the skin. When you purchase a filler treatment, you are purchasing access to as many fillers, touch-ups, and follow ups it may take to get you your desired results. 

In conclusion, the optimal treatment strategy is to use different fillers for different areas, use a sufficient amount of filler in the desired area, and require multiple visits for a natural and complete correction. If you believe you are a good candidate for EyeRise, schedule a consultation at VERVE Medical Cosmetics. 

WATCH: Blepharoplasty vs. Filler – Choosing the Right Solution for Under-Eyes and Tear Trough

About Dr. Stephen Bracci 

Dr. Stephen Bracci specializes and dedicates his practice solely to the use of non-surgical cosmetic injections and facial fillers, known for his injection techniques and ability to produce natural-looking results for his patients. Dr. Bracci focuses on the entire face and restores the skin to its original structure and glow, leaving the patient looking rested and more youthful. Combining his extensive experience, the latest technology, and his artful hand leads to satisfying results. A pioneer in the field, Dr. Bracci has trademarked several nonsurgical techniques, including Baselift™, the non surgical facelift, and EyeRise™ for the under-eye bag area.

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Injector 

Scheduling a Cosmetic Injection Consultation at VERVE

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci at VERVE Medical Cosmetics, fill out the form on our website or give us a call at (212) 355-1575 and someone from our team will assist you. 

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9 Lifestyle Changes That Can Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:00:20 +0000

Under-eye bags and dark circles are related to volume changes that deepen the crease under the eyes, often making the area appear darker. The under-eye support system, consisting of fat, muscle, and bone, can be disrupted by time, age, and lifestyle choices. Loss of any of these tissues can lead to increased creasing. Genetics and aging, alongside lifestyle and health, are significant factors in the shape and creases under the eyes.

Additionally, the under-eye area has a lymphatic drainage system, which plays a role in fluid retention, balance, and immune function. Impacts on this system, hydration levels, or immune response can affect the under-eye shape and crease.

Common lifestyle changes affecting under-eye shape and creasing include:

  1. Diet and Nutrition: Excessive salt intake can affect body hydration and increase puffiness. A Mediterranean, whole plant-based diet with minimal meat, processed, or packaged foods is beneficial and may help reduce the appearance of bags under your eyes.
  2. Getting Enough Sleep: We know that sleep plays a major role in balancing our bodies fluid and hydration levels. Lack of sleep can alter this natural hydration rebalance if  and also potentially triggering an immune response influencing the under-eye lymphatic, resulting in less puffiness under the eyes. 
  3. Stress: Stress hormone levels may influence inflammation and hydration, alluding to bags under the eyes. 
  4. Allergies: Local or systemic allergies can affect bags under eyes. 
  5. Dehydration   Changes in hydration levels, like after exercise or alcohol consumption, impact the area
  6. Marijuana usage : THC may dilate blood vessels, affecting under-eye creasing and dark circles.
  7. Skin and Health Conditions: Conditions like dermatitis can be a factor in the appearance of dark circles and under-eye bags 
  8. Trauma or pressure under the eye: For example tight pressure from eyewear especially tight swim goggles can influence fluid distribution and worsen puffy eyes 
  9. Ozempic Face/Large Weight Loss: Loss of facial fat or muscle can accentuate under-eye creases.

READ MORE: What is Ozempic? 

EyeRise: Non-Surgical Eye Bag Removal Using Cosmetic Injectables 

If these lifestyle changes aren’t helping improve the appearance of the bags under your eyes, a non-surgical eyebag removal treatment might be what’s best for you. At VERVE Medical Cosmetics, Dr. Stephen Bracci’s renowned EyeRise eye rejuvenation procedure has helped thousands of patients reduce the appearance of under-eye bags and dark circles without any surgical cutting or stretching of the skin. 

The area around the eyes is one of the most difficult areas to treat as it requires a blend of hyaluronic acid fillers and firmer fillers such as Radiesse or Sculptra. 

READ MORE: How Do I Choose the Right Under Eye Treatment? 

In summary, the under-eye area is highly sensitive to health, metabolic changes, weight, hydration, or allergic responses in our bodies. Lifestyle choices can significantly impact the harmony in the under eye area.

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How Do I Choose the Right Treatment for my Under-Eye Bags? Fri, 16 Feb 2024 11:00:23 +0000

Selecting the optimal treatment to minimize the appearance of under-eye bags requires an understanding of the causes and evaluating the benefits of available treatments. The EyeRise under-eye filler method stands out as an effective solution for those looking to rejuvenate and restore the youthful appearance of the area around the eye, avoiding  more invasive and permanent surgical procedures like blepharoplasty. 

READ MORE: Blepharoplasty vs Filler: Choosing the Right Solution for Under-Eyes and Tear Trough

Understanding Under-Eye Bags and Their Causes

Under-eye bags are mainly attributed to the loss of supportive structures beneath the skin, leading to wrinkles, creases and darkness. This deterioration of under-skin structures, including muscle, bone, and fat, is a key factor in eye bag formation. These bags are associated with puffiness, dark circles, and a fatigued appearance, exacerbated by aging, fluid retention, lack of sleep, allergies, and genetics. As the supportive structure weakens, the skin’s elasticity and firmness decrease, causing the lower eyelid to retain excess skin and the appearance of fat.

Advantages of the Eyerise Eye Bag Removal Treatment Option

The EyeRise method offers a cosmetic filler treatment targeting the root cause of bags under the eyes by replenishing lost volume and lifting the skin. This approach combines hyaluronic acid filler for the tear trough and firmer fillers like Radiesse (which produces collagen) for the midface, providing a comprehensive, non-surgical solution.

  1. Minimally Invasive:  Unlike the traditional blepharoplasty that a plastic surgeon would perform and requires a more extensive recovery, the Eyerise method is minimally invasive, and allows a quicker return to daily activities.
  2. Customizable Treatment Tailored to individual Needs: Eyerise fillers address the unique contours of each person’s under-eye area for natural-looking outcomes. Enhanced results can be achieved through multiple sessions, whereby the results can be perfected to further reduce the appearance of bags under your eyes.
    READ MORE: Customized Dermal Filler Treatments: Achieving Natural Results
  3. Immediate Results: Noticeable improvements are often seen immediately after treatment, lasting up to a year or more, depending on skin type and lifestyle.
  4. Safety: The fillers are well-tolerated, with allergic reactions and permanent adverse effects being rare.
  5. Restores Volume: Addressing the loss of bone and muscle beneath the skin, the Eyerise method diminishes dark circles’ shadow effect, improving the skin’s overall shape and texture.

Choosing the Right Treatment to Get Rid of Under-Eye Bags + Dark Circles  

Deciding on the best treatment to help reduce the appearance of under-eye bags and circles involves:

  1. Consultation with a Specialist: Consult specialists focused on eye surgery or those dedicated to fillers and under-eye treatments for tailored advice, whether considering surgical or non-surgical options.
    READ MORE: 10 Tips on How to Choose the Right Cosmetic Injector | Helping You Choose an Injector
  2. Assessing Your Needs: If under-eye bags, dark circles, and tired appearance are your main concerns, Eyerise may be the solution.
  3. Considering Your Lifestyle: Those preferring to avoid surgical downtime may find the Eyerise fillers an attractive option.
  4. Long-Term Goals: Decide between temporary solutions like makeup, long-lasting treatments like Eyerise fillers, or permanent surgical changes.

What are the Main Causes of Under-Eye Bags? 

As we age, we lose the structural foundation under our skin: bone, muscle, and fat. This loss of support causes the skin to fold inward, creases to form, and eye bags appear. The loss of support can be due to genetics and also a result of aging.

The Eyerise under-eye filler method is a safe, versatile treatment that effectively addresses under-eye bags, rejuvenating the area by restoring supportive structures and improving skin quality. A consultation with a qualified professional will help guide you to the best choice for your individual needs, ensuring a satisfactory outcome.

Scheduling a Consultation with Dr. Bracci 

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci at VERVE Medical Cosmetics, fill out the form on our website or give us a call at (212) 355-1575 and someone from our team will assist you. 


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Under Eye Filler Treatment Options: Everything You Need to Know Fri, 02 Feb 2024 05:15:15 +0000

There are many different approaches and prices for removing under eye bags and dark circles with  fillers. Why is that? The range is so wide due to many different factors such as buying an individual filler VS a comprehensive treatment plan, type of filler, the provider’s experience, and more. 

Single fillers can be priced at $1,000 or less while using multiple fillers per side over multiple visits can cost several thousands of dollars in the cost of the dermal fillers alone, but allows for a more comprehensive and natural result. 

Dr. Stephen Bracci has been treating under eye bags for more than 20 years and is one of the leading experts in the field. The under eye area is one of the most difficult areas of the face to treat with fillers and commands years of experience and a large volume of successful treatments.

Under Eye Filler Treatment Area

  • How do under-eyes change with age?

As we age we begin to experience a loss in muscle and bone structure, resulting in volume loss in areas such as the under-eye. The anatomy behind the loss of support in the orbital rim and mid-face may lead to a sunken eye area, hollowing around the eyes and mid-face, as well as fine lines and wrinkles. Treating both the tear trough and mid-face with filler is crucial for a natural, restorative look. 

Types of Under-Eye Tear Trough Filler + Application 

Hyaluronic acid fillers are by far the most commonly used filler type applied – brand names you may know of our Juvederm  Restylane, Versa. However the limitation of this type of filler injection is that it attracts water, and using an excessive amount of these types of filler may lead to puffiness.

  • Employing a multi-filler strategy across several treatments

The ideal way to achieve natural looking results is with a multi-filler strategy. This means using a blend of HA fillers and firmer fillers such as Radiesse or Sculptra to help lift the area and add volume back to the area. 

Radiesse is a cosmetic filler made from calcium hydroxylapatite, a naturally occurring mineral in the body that is found in our bones. Like most fillers, Radiesse works to add back lost volume underneath the skin. In addition to replacing lost volume, Radiesse also stimulates the production of collagen within our bodies. 

Sculptra is made of poly-L-lactic acid which primarily boosts the production of collagen, leading to gradual fullness and is effective for moderate to severe facial volume loss, with results that can last for years. It’s known for creating profound plumping effects without puffiness or water retention effects, especially in the off label area of the buttocks. Sculptra uses the same materials found  in dissolvable sutures , providing a scaffold for collagen production.

WATCH: Tear Trough Filler Treatments: What is the best filler for tear trough correction?

  • Challenges and pitfalls of treating these areas separately

Treating these areas individually doesn’t allow for a harmonious balance in the face. By injecting only the tear trough with a hyaluronic acid filler, the area will appear overly puffy. On the other hand, injecting HA fillers into the mid-face only make the under eye area appear darker and more creased. 

  • Needle versus cannula methods for enhanced safety and precision

Cannulas are more precise and cause less bruising to the eye area. More commonly, a needle is used in this area but may lead to more bruising in the recovery period. Cannulas take more skill to inject with and are Dr. Stephen Bracci’s preferred method of injecting.  

Why Choose EyeRise, the Premiere Under-Eye Filler Treatment 

EyeRise is a non-surgical technique for eye bag removal and under-eye circles, created by master injector Dr. Stephen Bracci and exclusively available at Verve. Dr. Bracci is known for treating the under-eye area and he developed this innovative method for reducing tired or aged appearance underneath the eyes. During the procedure, a tailored combination of cosmetic fillers are injected under the eyes, and the mid-face (malar) region. The goal of the procedure is to reduce the appearance of eye bags and restore the skin to its original position, by using different cosmetic fillers for each layer underneath the skin. When you purchase a filler treatment, you are purchasing access to as many fillers, touch-ups, and follow ups it may take to get you your desired results. 

In conclusion, the optimal treatment strategy is to use different fillers for different areas, use a sufficient amount of filler in the desired area, and require multiple visits for a natural and complete correction. If you believe you are a good candidate for EyeRise, schedule a consultation at VERVE Medical Cosmetics. 

WATCH: Blepharoplasty vs. Filler – Choosing the Right Solution for Under-Eyes and Tear Trough

About Dr. Stephen Bracci 

Dr. Stephen Bracci specializes and dedicates his practice solely to the use of non-surgical cosmetic injections and facial fillers, known for his injection techniques and ability to produce natural-looking results for his patients. Dr. Bracci focuses on the entire face and restores the skin to its original structure and glow, leaving the patient looking rested and more youthful. Combining his extensive experience, the latest technology, and his artful hand leads to satisfying results. A pioneer in the field, Dr. Bracci has trademarked several nonsurgical techniques, including Baselift™, the non surgical facelift, and EyeRise™ for the under-eye bag area.

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Injector 

Scheduling a Cosmetic Injection Consultation at VERVE

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Stephen Bracci at VERVE Medical Cosmetics, fill out the form on our website or give us a call at (212) 888-3003 and someone from our team will assist you. 

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The Gloss Reviews EyeRise™ Fri, 23 Mar 2012 17:51:58 +0000 recently gave a big thumbs up to Verve Medical Cosmetics’ EyeRise™ procedure!  EyeRise™ corrects eye bags and other eye area aging by utilizing a flexible medical instrument called a cannula instead of a needle. The EyeRise technique is virtually painless and avoids the trauma and bruising of a needle. Interested in learning more?  Schedule a free consultation.

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Eyerise Can Wipe That Tired Look Off Your Face Wed, 15 Feb 2012 19:13:58 +0000 There is nothing like getting that unwelcomed anti-compliment. “You look tired.”

At one time, a good night’s rest would have wiped that exhausted look right off your face. Now not as much. Why you may ask? Well, kiddo we will give it to you straight. Unfortunately, your eyes are not the windows for your soul. If they were you would look like the age you feel inside instead of a reflection of your advancing maturity.

Thankfully, we all have the option these days to age youthfully. Dr Stephen Bracci’s trademarked EyeRise procedure restores the contours around the eyes that age has taken away. Using Juvederm, a medical cosmetic filler, eye bags, hollowness, and dark circles are quickly erased leaving the patient with a fresher more youthful-looking appearance. And the best news is, the treatment requires little to no downtime.  This is because we skip the sharp needles and use micro cannulas instead, which provides superior results that last for up to one year, while greatly reducing the risk of bruising and swelling.  So are you tired of being told you look tired? Give us a call for a free consultation.

Hey, the proof is in the pudding (so to speak); just in case you missed it, check out this before and after!

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Valentine's Day Make-Over Tue, 07 Feb 2012 19:39:07 +0000 Be your own sweetheart this Valentine’s Day by giving yourself the wrinkle zapping makeover you deserve!

Here is the skinny; you can’t eliminate the signs of aging with an over the counter cream. Only the best beauty innovations of the century, which includes Botox Cosmetic and Dermal Fillers, can reverse the ravages of time without cutting the skin. But to achieve optimum results—you have to pick the right doctor.

At Verve we only offer state of the art medical cosmetic solutions including our trademarked EyeRise procedure with Juvederm performed by Dr Stephen Bracci. We have the expert know how to send wrinkles, eye bags, and sun damaged skin packing. Call to make a free consultation today. The only thing you have to loose is a few years just in time for Valentine’s Day.

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