May 1, 2019

Non-Surgical Facelift vs Surgical Facelift: What’s the Difference?

Any discussion about how to treat facial changes must begin with an understanding of the primary cause of sagging and folding skin. As we age, the shape of our face changes due to the loss/erosion of the supportive structures below the skin. These supporting structures, known as the Foundation, consist of bone, muscle, connective tissue, and fat. The loss of these supportive structures causes a hollowing effect below the skin, and the appearance of facial folds and sagging on the skin. The options to repair this condition are either a surgical facelift or a non-surgical BaseLift. Facelift – The Surgical Option The surgical option reshapes the face by cutting the skin and moving the tissues. The procedure permanently removes and repositions the skin and tissues of the face in an effort to reduce the appearance of sagging skin on the face. The skin is cut and stretched over the hollow…