Beauty and the Brow

Not a day goes by without reading something about beautiful eyebrows. Whether it’s a new fashion trend, like Cara Delevingne’s thick, natural shaped brows or the latest brow enhancer from Hollywood’s favorite make-up experts, it seems like everyone has a tip on how to keep those brows beautiful.


Before getting into products or trends, it’s important to understand a few facts about our eyebrows. Our bodies work in specific ways, and understanding these basic biological facts will help you to maintain beautiful, long-lasting brows!


Eyebrows Have Their Own Lifespan

The average person has between 250-500 hairs per eyebrow. Each of these hairs has an average lifespan of four months and take twice as long to grow back as hairs on many other parts of the body. Eyebrows that go un-groomed have an average of 1,000 or more hairs, so get those trimmers out if you wish to avoid bushy brows!


Eyebrows Serve a Purpose Beyond Looking Pretty!

Believe it or not, your eyebrows serve a purpose beyond beauty. They play an important role in non-verbal communication and are an important element in recognizing someone’s face. Moreover, eyebrows shield our eyes from rain and perspiration by diverting water from the forehead away from the eyes.


Waxing and Plucking will Weaken Your Brows

There is a natural tendency for our brow hairs to get thinner and weaker as we age, and manually damaging the hair follicles is likely to add insult to injury. When we pluck, tweeze, thread or wax our brows, we are ripping the hair from its root and ultimately causing damage to the hair follicle. The likely result of repeated plucking is an over thinning of our eyebrows at some point in the future. Yes, you may have thick full brows when you are in your 20s, but this is likely to turn to weak, faded brows by your 40s. Beware of the tweezers!


Trim or shave your eyebrows without pulling out the roots.

I know it sounds silly to shave or trim with all the wonderful plucking salons out there. Even though it may seem like plucking is the most efficient way to shape brows, trimming and shaving avoid damaging the hairs’ roots. By avoiding damage to the follicle, you ensure that your brow hairs stay strong and thick. The goal is to save your brows!


The most common non-surgical treatment for shaping the eyebrows is Botox Cosmetic. By temporarily affecting the muscles around the eyebrows, Botox has the ability to change muscular pull and change the shape of the eyebrows. Moreover, cosmetic fillers may also aid in eyebrow shaping by adding back support and lift underneath the skin. By simply adding back support with cosmetic fillers, the brows can be changed to a more lifted rested appearance. Many clients benefit from a combination of Botox and fillers.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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