We are now into the second month of the New Year, and I have to ask — how many of you stuck to that New Year’s resolution you made about eating better and exercising more? Show of hands please? Hmmm, I thought so. Okay, don’t beat yourself up. Good intentions can pave the way to great health if you take things one-step at a time.
Let me brag for a moment. I am vegetarian and amateur athlete. I don’t smoke, I drink in moderation, and yes, I make sure I have plenty of water each day. Nevertheless, it took time to establish healthy habits and make it a part of my everyday life, and I did it in baby steps and so can you. Vow to walk at least once per week and build from there. Take measures to cut processed foods one meal at a time. Keep a journal to help you keep track and pinpoint what needs to be worked on, and don’t forget to reward yourself for making progress, like buying those jeans you thought you could never wear or sneaking in a cat nap on a Sunday afternoon. You owe it to yourself to feel great and most importantly if you get started today; you will age youthfully. Now isn’t that an incentive to get started?