
Key Ingredients to Look for in An Eye Cream | Choosing the Right Eye Cream And Skincare Products

Key Ingredients to Look for in An Eye Cream | Choosing the Right Eye Cream And Skincare Products

The skincare world can be overwhelming. Between the brands, the products, and everything in between, there’s so many options – but how do you know which is the best product for your skincare routine, and more specifically the right eye cream for you? The eye area is one of the most sensitive areas of the body, so it’s important to know what active ingredients to look for to make sure you’re using an eye cream that is most beneficial to treat the skin around the eye. What Ingredients to look for In an Eye Cream or Under Eye Patch? Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic Acid is naturally in our skin and joints and has been shown to have topical surface benefits  , including hydrating and rejuvenating the skin. Moreover hyaluronic acid has been associated with improved skin elasticity, softness and even the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. All-trans Retinol: at the…

Are Allergies Causing My Under-Eye Bags? Reducing Puffy Eyes and Getting Rid of Bags

Are Allergies Causing My Under-Eye Bags? Reducing Puffy Eyes and Getting Rid of Bags

The appearance of under eye bags can be caused by a number of things including stress, lack of sleep, and allergy symptoms. There are many ways that allergies can enhance bags or dark circles around the eye as well as cause swelling or puffiness in the area.  Inflammation, Fluid Retention, and Puffy Under-Eye Bags Allergic reactions in the body can lead to puffiness, excess fluid, and swelling around and beneath the eyes, worsening the appearance of under-eye bags. Essentially, the body’s immune response triggers inflammation and swelling, contributing to a puffy under-eye area and accentuating bags or dark circles. Allergies Impact on Sleep Quality Allergies can significantly impact sleep quality, which, in turn, can exacerbate congestion and inflammation, ultimately affecting the appearance of bags under the eyes. A lack of sleep disrupts the body’s natural fluid rebalancing and detoxification processes, which may make the area around the eye become swollen. …

How Does Smoking Affect Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles?

How Does Smoking Affect Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles?

Smoking, a habit fraught with a multitude of adverse health effects, significantly impacts the appearance of under-eye bags and may cause dark circles, primarily through its detrimental effects on various bodily systems. Understanding how smoking contributes to the development and exacerbation of bags under the eyes requires an exploration of its wide-ranging influence on the body’s cardiovascular, immunologic, and lymphatic systems, along with its impact on the nervous system, and the structural components of the skin, including muscle, bone, and fat, especially as they relate to the under-eye area. Cardiovascular Impact Smoking has a profound effect on the cardiovascular system, impairing blood circulation throughout the body. Nicotine, a potent vasoconstrictor found in cigarettes, narrows blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the skin. This diminished circulation deprives the skin of essential nutrients and oxygen, leading to a decrease in collagen production and a reduction in the skin’s elasticity. The under-eye area,…

9 Lifestyle Changes That Can Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes

9 Lifestyle Changes That Can Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes

Under-eye bags and dark circles are related to volume changes that deepen the crease under the eyes, often making the area appear darker. The under-eye support system, consisting of fat, muscle, and bone, can be disrupted by time, age, and lifestyle choices. Loss of any of these tissues can lead to increased creasing. Genetics and aging, alongside lifestyle and health, are significant factors in the shape and creases under the eyes. Additionally, the under-eye area has a lymphatic drainage system, which plays a role in fluid retention, balance, and immune function. Impacts on this system, hydration levels, or immune response can affect the under-eye shape and crease. Common lifestyle changes affecting under-eye shape and creasing include: Diet and Nutrition: Excessive salt intake can affect body hydration and increase puffiness. A Mediterranean, whole plant-based diet with minimal meat, processed, or packaged foods is beneficial and may help reduce the appearance of…

How Do I Choose the Right Treatment for my Under-Eye Bags?

How Do I Choose the Right Treatment for my Under-Eye Bags?

Selecting the optimal treatment to minimize the appearance of under-eye bags requires an understanding of the causes and evaluating the benefits of available treatments. The EyeRise under-eye filler method stands out as an effective solution for those looking to rejuvenate and restore the youthful appearance of the area around the eye, avoiding  more invasive and permanent surgical procedures like blepharoplasty.  READ MORE: Blepharoplasty vs Filler: Choosing the Right Solution for Under-Eyes and Tear Trough Understanding Under-Eye Bags and Their Causes Under-eye bags are mainly attributed to the loss of supportive structures beneath the skin, leading to wrinkles, creases and darkness. This deterioration of under-skin structures, including muscle, bone, and fat, is a key factor in eye bag formation. These bags are associated with puffiness, dark circles, and a fatigued appearance, exacerbated by aging, fluid retention, lack of sleep, allergies, and genetics. As the supportive structure weakens, the skin’s elasticity and…

Under Eye Filler Treatment Options: Everything You Need to Know

Under Eye Filler Treatment Options: Everything You Need to Know

There are many different approaches and prices for removing under eye bags and dark circles with fillers. Why is that? The range is so wide due to many different factors such as buying an individual filler VS a comprehensive treatment plan, type of filler, the provider’s experience, and more. Single fillers can be priced at $1,000 or less while using multiple fillers per side over multiple visits can cost several thousands of dollars in the cost of the dermal fillers alone, but allows for a more comprehensive and natural result. Dr. Stephen Bracci has been treating under eye bags for more than 20 years and is one of the leading experts in the field. The under eye area is one of the most difficult areas of the face to treat with fillers and commands years of experience and a large volume of successful treatments. Under Eye Filler Treatment Area How…