The Gloss Asks Dr. Stephen Bracci How to Get Good Botox in Your 20's

Recently, The Gloss asked Dr. Stephen Bracci a few of their burning Botox Cosmetic questions:

  • Why are more people in their 20’s getting Botox?
  • How do you avoid getting the dreaded Dr. Spock- brow?
  • What do you do if you get droopy eye brows?
  • Can Botox back fire and cause more wrinkles as you get older?

Check out the post and see how Verve Medical Cosmetics separates Botox facts from Botox Fiction!

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

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