
Can caffeine get rid of eye bags and dark circles? | caffeine in skin care products + eye creams

Can Caffeine Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles? | Caffeine in Skin Care Products + Eye Creams

A recent study found that consuming four to five cups of ground coffee per day and habitual coffee intake of up to five cups per day significantly reduced all-cause mortality and Cardiovascular (CV ) mortality – we can live longer and healthier with caffeine . For cardiovascular health, recent studies have shown that coffee consumption, up to five cups daily, has been linked to a lower risk of conditions like hypertension and heart failure. This protective effect is largely due to coffee’s rich antioxidant content, which fights oxidative stress and inflammation. Interestingly, caffeine can both dilate and constrict blood vessels, depending on the area of the body and specific conditions, influencing overall circulatory health. Beyond the heart, caffeine has shown promise in reducing the risk of physical frailty among older adults, indicating its potential to combat age-related decline in physical function. Its anti-inflammatory properties and muscle performance enhancement are thought…

Vitamins to help reduce dark circles under your eyes

Vitamins to Help Reduce Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

While under eye bags are primarily a result of structural changes beneath the skin. These changes mainly involve the loss of supportive structures such as bone, muscle, as well as fat and fat redistribution. While no single skincare or eye cream product or supplement can directly change these underlying anatomy changes, certain vitamins and supplements can support skin health, potentially reducing the severity of under eye bags indirectly and help to temporarily get rid of dark circles.  What Causes Dark Circles and Eye Bags?  Dark circles and under eye bags form when the skin under the eyes sags and folds. When we are younger the foundation below the skin made up of bone, muscle, and fat supports the under-eye area, preventing the formation of under-eye bags and dark circles. However, as we get older the foundation erodes causing the skin to sag and fold and the under-eye bags to appear.…

What is the role of collagen in treating our under-eye bags?

What is the Role of Collagen in Treating our Under-Eye Bags?

Collagen and elastin stand at the forefront of combating under-eye bags, a condition deeply rooted in the complex interplay of genetics, aging, and environmental factors. These proteins, essential for skin health, elasticity, and hydration/ fluid retention, plays an important role in the cosmetic and structural integrity to the skin around the eye. Under eye bags has a surface component, however, the main component is the underlying issues beneath the skin. The Main Cause of Under Eye Bags Under-eye bags appearance is  from a spectrum of causes, from the loss of supportive tissue structures, including bone, muscle, and fat, to lifestyle and genetic factors that exacerbate skin laxity and fluid accumulation. These bags are not merely a surface-level issue but mainly from the  deeper anatomical shifts below the skin. Collagen’s Crucial Role in the Eye Area  At the heart of skin vitality, collagen provides the scaffolding that maintains skin firmness and…

How can i get rid of eye bags? | lifestyle changes to help you prevent + get rid of bags under the eyes

How Can I Get Rid of Eye Bags? | Lifestyle Changes to Help You Prevent + Get Rid of Bags Under the Eyes

Preventing the formation of under-eye bags involves a holistic approach that encompasses diet, lifestyle, and skin care practices. As we age, the delicate skin around the eyes becomes more susceptible to puffiness, bags, and dark circles due to a combination of genetic factors, lifestyle choices, and natural aging processes. The major change that happens to the under eye area is related to changes in the supportive structures below the skin come loss of bone and muscle and fat redistribution. However, by adopting specific healthful habits, one can significantly reduce the risk of developing pronounced bags under your eyes.  Dietary Choices for Skin Health and to Prevent Eye Bags  A cornerstone for maintaining vibrant skin and reducing the appearance of under-eye bags is a nutritious diet. Embracing a whole food, plant-based diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, provides the body with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and hydration.…

Under eye filler treatment options: everything you need to know

Under Eye Filler Treatment Options: Everything You Need to Know

There are many different approaches and prices for removing under eye bags and dark circles with  fillers. Why is that? The range is so wide due to many different factors such as buying an individual filler VS a comprehensive treatment plan, type of filler, the provider’s experience, and more.  Single fillers can be priced at $1,000 or less while using multiple fillers per side over multiple visits can cost several thousands of dollars in the cost of the dermal fillers alone, but allows for a more comprehensive and natural result.  Dr. Stephen Bracci has been treating under eye bags for more than 20 years and is one of the leading experts in the field. The under eye area is one of the most difficult areas of the face to treat with fillers and commands years of experience and a large volume of successful treatments. Under Eye Filler Treatment Area How…

Which cosmetic dermal filler injectable is right for me? | types of injectable dermal fillers

Which Cosmetic Dermal Filler Injectable is Right for Me? | Types of Injectable Dermal Fillers

When considering a non-surgical cosmetic injectable treatment, the type of injectable fillers that will be used may be the last thing on your mind. There are many different types of dermal fillers that your cosmetic surgeon can choose while performing a procedure. We have  the most popular fillers that are used during a cosmetic treatment to give you an idea of what each of them are used for and what Dr. Bracci likes to use to achieve the best results. What are the different types of cosmetic injectables and dermal fillers? Botox: Botox (onabotulinumtoxinA) is a neurotoxin that helps to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. Botox is typically injected in the vertical lines between the eyebrows (Glabella) , lines around the eyes (Crow’s Feet), and horizontal lines on the forehead area. Botox works by blocking the signals that cause our facial muscles to contract. It is able to relax…

Tear trough filler treatments: what is the best filler for tear trough correction?

Tear Trough Filler Treatments: What is the best filler for tear trough correction?

What is the the tear trough? The tear trough is a small indentation extending along the lower part of the lower eyelid from the corner of the eye, is influenced by genetic factors and typically worsens with age due to a loss of supporting structures under the skin, including fat, bone, muscle, and connective tissue. When we lose volume in the tear trough area you may experience a hollow appearance around the eyes. What are my tear trough treatment options? To address deep tear troughs, also known as eyebags, several tear trough correction treatment options exist: 1. Surgery: This permanent solution involves cutting and repositioning tissue to reduce deep creases. However, it may not have the same appearance, look more noticeable over time and could worsen aging-related changes due to tissue manipulation from your plastic surgeon. 2. Tear trough filler alone: Typically, Hyaluronic acid filler is used, but it may…

What is eye bag surgery, lower lid blepharoplasty?

What is Eye Bag Surgery, Lower Lid Blepharoplasty?

Eye bag surgery, also referred to as lower lid blepharoplasty or lower lid eyelid surgery, – is a cosmetic procedure used to correct sagging skin or wrinkles under the eye. As we age, we lose muscle, bone, and fat, which causes the skin under our eyes to wrinkle and sag.  People may select an eye bag surgery “blepharoplasty” procedure alone, or combine it with a face lift, or a plastic surgery for the brows or upper eyelid. A blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure performed by an oculoplastic surgeon and may result in weeks of downtime and runs the risk of infection and/or permanent scarring. There are many reasons why people select a blepharoplasty surgery, however depending on your under eye bag condition you may be a candidate for a non-surgical eye bag procedure with cosmetic injectables.  At VERVE this procedure is called the EyeRise™ created and performed by Dr. Stephen…

- can you get rid of eye bags non-surgically? - verve cosmetics nyc


New scientific medical techniques now provide patients with the option to remove eye bags and dark circles non-surgically. Cosmetic filler injections applied with a specialized instrument called a cannula is an effective and safe non-surgical treatment for the removal of bags under the eyes. Dr. Stephen Bracci, a board-certified physician in New York, New Jersey, and Miami has treated thousands of patients with his EyeRise procedure and has perfected the technique as an option to surgical procedures.
- do cool tea bags reduce the appearance of under eye bags? - verve cosmetics nyc


Cool tea bags placed under the eye are a temporary fix for reducing the appearance of under-eye bags. Tea bags do temporarily reduce inflammation in the under-eye area, but do not provide a long term solution since once the teabags are removed the inflammation reappears within an hour or less… How does the application of cool items to the skin reduce inflammation and swelling? Any cool item like ice, frozen vegetables, or a cool tea bag causes vasoconstriction, a reduction of blood flow in the area the cool item is applied. When blood flow is restricted there is less fluid retention and in turn less inflammation and swelling in the area. Are there risks in applying a cool compress or ice to the skin? When cold compresses or ice are applied for too long they can cause frostbite, burning of the skin. The risk of frostbite increases when there is…