
Are the Bags Under Your Eyes Indicating a Health Issue? | Tips to get rid of bags under eyes

Are the Bags Under Your Eyes Indicating a Health Issue? | Tips to get rid of bags under eyes

Bags under your eyes are one of the most common problems we correct at VERVE Medical Cosmetics. There are multiple causes of under eye bags, but are there any health issues that may be indicated by bags under your eyes?  What Causes Bags Under Eyes?  Under eye bags are often associated with fatigue or aging, but can sometimes be indicative of underlying health issues. Their presence not only affects aesthetic appearance but may also serve as a subtle signal from the body about deeper health concerns. Understanding the potential health implications behind under eye bags is crucial for addressing both cosmetic and health-related aspects effectively. Fluid Retention and Kidney Function One of the common medical reasons for worsening bags around your eyes is fluid retention. This condition can be exacerbated by factors such as high salt intake, hormonal fluctuations, and poor sleep. However, persistent fluid retention, particularly in the under…

Can Caffeine Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles? | Caffeine in Skin Care Products + Eye Creams

Can Caffeine Get Rid of Eye Bags and Dark Circles? | Caffeine in Skin Care Products + Eye Creams

A recent study found that consuming four to five cups of ground coffee per day and habitual coffee intake of up to five cups per day significantly reduced all-cause mortality and Cardiovascular (CV ) mortality – we can live longer and healthier with caffeine . For cardiovascular health, recent studies have shown that coffee consumption, up to five cups daily, has been linked to a lower risk of conditions like hypertension and heart failure. This protective effect is largely due to coffee’s rich antioxidant content, which fights oxidative stress and inflammation. Interestingly, caffeine can both dilate and constrict blood vessels, depending on the area of the body and specific conditions, influencing overall circulatory health. Beyond the heart, caffeine has shown promise in reducing the risk of physical frailty among older adults, indicating its potential to combat age-related decline in physical function. Its anti-inflammatory properties and muscle performance enhancement are thought…

Vitamins to Help Reduce Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Vitamins to Help Reduce Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

While under eye bags are primarily a result of structural changes beneath the skin. These changes mainly involve the loss of supportive structures such as bone, muscle, as well as fat and fat redistribution. While no single skincare or eye cream product or supplement can directly change these underlying anatomy changes, certain vitamins and supplements can support skin health, potentially reducing the severity of under eye bags indirectly and help to temporarily get rid of dark circles.  What Causes Dark Circles and Eye Bags?  Dark circles and under eye bags form when the skin under the eyes sags and folds. When we are younger the foundation below the skin made up of bone, muscle, and fat supports the under-eye area, preventing the formation of under-eye bags and dark circles. However, as we get older the foundation erodes causing the skin to sag and fold and the under-eye bags to appear.…

Is There a Difference in Treatment Options for Under-Eye Bags VS Dark Circles?

Different Treatment Options for Under-Eye Bags VS Dark Circles?

Is there a difference in treatment options for under-eye bags vs dark circles? Yes – however often having under eye bags is the cause of worsening pigmentation in the under eye area . So in many cases treating the under eye bags will improve the darkness under the eyes . Less commonly the pigmentation and dark circles is a medically related or a skin condition.  What Causes Under Eye Bags and Dark Circles Under-eye bags are frequently most characterized by the loss of supportive structures beneath the skin, contributing to creases and darkness in the under-eye area. This loss of under-skin supportive structures, notably muscle, bone, and fat loss or repositioning, plays a major role in the development of eye bags. Under-eye bags are synonymous with puffy eyes, dark circles, and a tired appearance around the eyes, resulting from a variety of factors.  Aging can also lead to the loss…

What is the Role of Collagen in Treating our Under-Eye Bags?

What is the Role of Collagen in Treating our Under-Eye Bags?

Collagen and elastin stand at the forefront of combating under-eye bags, a condition deeply rooted in the complex interplay of genetics, aging, and environmental factors. These proteins, essential for skin health, elasticity, and hydration/ fluid retention, plays an important role in the cosmetic and structural integrity to the skin around the eye. Under eye bags has a surface component, however, the main component is the underlying issues beneath the skin. The Main Cause of Under Eye Bags Under-eye bags appearance is  from a spectrum of causes, from the loss of supportive tissue structures, including bone, muscle, and fat, to lifestyle and genetic factors that exacerbate skin laxity and fluid accumulation. These bags are not merely a surface-level issue but mainly from the  deeper anatomical shifts below the skin. Collagen’s Crucial Role in the Eye Area  At the heart of skin vitality, collagen provides the scaffolding that maintains skin firmness and…

How Can I Get Rid of Eye Bags? | Lifestyle Changes to Help You Prevent + Get Rid of Bags Under the Eyes

How Can I Get Rid of Eye Bags? | Lifestyle Changes to Help You Prevent + Get Rid of Bags Under the Eyes

Preventing the formation of under-eye bags involves a holistic approach that encompasses diet, lifestyle, and skin care practices. As we age, the delicate skin around the eyes becomes more susceptible to puffiness, bags, and dark circles due to a combination of genetic factors, lifestyle choices, and natural aging processes. The major change that happens to the under eye area is related to changes in the supportive structures below the skin come loss of bone and muscle and fat redistribution. However, by adopting specific healthful habits, one can significantly reduce the risk of developing pronounced bags under your eyes.  Dietary Choices for Skin Health and to Prevent Eye Bags  A cornerstone for maintaining vibrant skin and reducing the appearance of under-eye bags is a nutritious diet. Embracing a whole food, plant-based diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, provides the body with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and hydration.…

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Bags Under Eyes and Dark Circles

Eye bags and dark circles are the most common area of concern our patients come to us with at VERVE Medical Cosmetics. There are numerous natural remedies that may aid in reducing under eye bags, however, there are also numerous natural remedies that may serve as a protection against eyebags in the long term or to help get rid of bags.  Home Remedies to Get Rid of Eye Bags  READ MORE: 9 Lifestyle Changes that Can Get Rid of Under Eye Bags What Causes Bags Under the Eyes?  Bags under your eyes form when the skin under the eyes sags and folds. When we are younger the foundation below the skin made up of bone, muscle, and fat supports the under-eye area, preventing the formation of under-eye bags and dark circles. However, as we get older the foundation erodes causing the skin to sag and fold and the under-eye bags to…

Key Ingredients to Look for in An Eye Cream | Choosing the Right Eye Cream And Skincare Products

Key Ingredients to Look for in An Eye Cream | Choosing the Right Eye Cream And Skincare Products

The skincare world can be overwhelming. Between the brands, the products, and everything in between, there’s so many options – but how do you know which is the best product for your skincare routine, and more specifically the right eye cream for you? The eye area is one of the most sensitive areas of the body, so it’s important to know what active ingredients to look for to make sure you’re using an eye cream that is most beneficial to treat the skin around the eye. What Ingredients to look for In an Eye Cream or Under Eye Patch? Hyaluronic Acid: Hyaluronic Acid is naturally in our skin and joints and has been shown to have topical surface benefits  , including hydrating and rejuvenating the skin. Moreover hyaluronic acid has been associated with improved skin elasticity, softness and even the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. All-trans Retinol: at the…

Are Allergies Causing My Under-Eye Bags? Reducing Puffy Eyes and Getting Rid of Bags

Are Allergies Causing My Under-Eye Bags? Reducing Puffy Eyes and Getting Rid of Bags

The appearance of under eye bags can be caused by a number of things including stress, lack of sleep, and allergy symptoms. There are many ways that allergies can enhance bags or dark circles around the eye as well as cause swelling or puffiness in the area.  Inflammation, Fluid Retention, and Puffy Under-Eye Bags Allergic reactions in the body can lead to puffiness, excess fluid, and swelling around and beneath the eyes, worsening the appearance of under-eye bags. Essentially, the body’s immune response triggers inflammation and swelling, contributing to a puffy under-eye area and accentuating bags or dark circles. Allergies Impact on Sleep Quality Allergies can significantly impact sleep quality, which, in turn, can exacerbate congestion and inflammation, ultimately affecting the appearance of bags under the eyes. A lack of sleep disrupts the body’s natural fluid rebalancing and detoxification processes, which may make the area around the eye become swollen. …