Verve Medical Cosmetics

Marionette Lines Explained

Marionette lines, despite the playful name, can make us look years beyond our real age. For those not in the know, (because you are most likely too young) marionette lines are the vertical creases that run downward from the corners of the mouth. As the lines get deeper they begin to carve a permanent disappointed “look” on one’s face.   The culprit for this condition is facial structure and age. As adults grow older, the fatty tissues that give us that youthful apple cheeked look deflate. The result is skin that starts to look loose and pulled down. Despite what you may see advertised, there are no magical creams or facial exercises that can reverse the condition. However, non-surgical cosmetic fillers administered by an experienced physician especially when started early in the aging process is the most effective way to turn that frown upside. Non-surgical cosmetic filler treatments take 10 minutes, are safe and…

Talking Makeup Blog Loves Verve!

Marta Walsh from visited Verve’s NYC office this past Spring. She was thrilled with the Radiesse treatment she received and decided to write about it on her site. Head on over and read Marta’s review of Verve

The Laser Hair Removal Diaries

One of our favorite bloggers decided it was time to take care of her “pesky body and, yes, facial hair” with a laser treatment at Verve. Read about her laser hair removal experience in her two-part piece, “The Laser Hair Removal Diaries”.