Beyond the Med Spa: Top 6 Facial Aesthetic Treatments for Active Summers in New York and NJ 2024

Summer is here and VERVE is helping you look and feel your best by offering customizable aesthetic treatments at our New York City and New Jersey locations for your face, skin, and body. 

Celebrating 24 years of natural beauty, VERVE offers the best proven medical aesthetic treatments for every skin type to treat your specific needs and help you achieve glowing skin and ageless beauty. 

Botox: Neurotoxin Fine Line and Wrinkle Relaxer 

Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport are the most popular cosmetic treatments for any time of the year. Botox injections are a minimally invasive, quick procedure to help smooth out lines and wrinkles for that youthful, rejuvenated appearance. Botox not only softens facial expressions but also prevents new lines from forming. Additionally, Botox treatments can be used to lift the eyebrows, slim the neckline (“Traptox”), reduce the appearance of neck bands, contour the jawline, and reduce excessive sweating also known as hyperhidrosis. And if you want to enhance your lips without fillers, look no further–a lip flip can enhance the lips without the need for fillers! Wrinkle relaxers such as Botox and Xeomin have essentially  little to no downtime and can last 3-4 months. So say goodbye to fine lines this summer and schedule a free consultation with VERVE Medical Cosmetics in New York and New Jersey. 

PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma Rejuvenation  

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a treatment that’s been gaining a lot of attention, especially after Kim Kardashian’s viral “Vampire Facial” post. During the treatment, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn and processed to extract platelet-rich plasma or “liquid gold.” At VERVE in New York City and New Jersey, we carry the new and improved version of PRP known as PRFM or Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix. The fibrin matrix prolongs the growth factors and provides longer-lasting results compared to traditional platelet-rich plasma.  This treatment is effective for improving skin texture, reducing wrinkles, and treating scars.  PRFM can also be used for hair restoration and hair loss prevention, encouraging new hair growth and thickening existing strands. This natural, minimally invasive procedure offers minimal downtime with long-lasting results, making it a popular choice for summer rejuvenation for both beautiful skin and hair. 

Micro-Needling Injections  

Microneedling can be performed during the summer months to enhance your beauty to actively and effectively rejuvenate your skin cells with simplicity and little to no downtime without the more expensive and invasive laser treatments added. At VERVE, we go beyond the med spa with this popular aesthetics treatment and provide a more advanced micro-needling approach at an affordable price. VERVE’s medically trained aesthetic nurse combines the medical science of PRP or PRFM with the amazing results of microneedling. During the treatment, the PRFM is applied to the face while the microneedling creates tiny punctures in the skin to allow for a deeper penetration of the PRFM. With the combination of the micro-needling plus PRFM, patients tend to see enhanced collagen production, improved skin texture and tone, and a more youthful, radiant complexion while experiencing less downtime compared to doing micro-needling alone. 

Enhance Your Beauty with a Facial 

Facial treatments are available at any medi spa but the best medical-grade facials for summer or any time of year can be found at VERVE in NJ and New York.  After 24 years of non-surgical medical aesthetics excellence, VERVE certainly takes medical grade more seriously than most so we selected one of the best facials on the market, the isClinical for our facials. Our 2024 summer favorite is the Fire & Ice Facial by isClinical skin care which is voted the Red Carpet Facial by Celebrities.  Summer facials offer a refreshing boost to your skincare amidst the heat and outdoor activities. These treatments not only hydrate and rejuvenate but also help repair sun damage and manage oil production. Facials with exfoliation clear away dead skin cells, promoting a brighter complexion while soothing ingredients calm any sun-exposed irritation. Deep cleansing regular facials during summer ensure your skin stays hydrated, balanced, and glowing, making them a perfect addition to your skincare routine for maintaining healthy and radiant skin throughout the season! So skip the laser facials this summer and get a Fire & Ice rejuvenation facial at VERVE Medical Cosmetics in NJ and NYC. Book a complimentary skincare consultation today! 


Cosmetic Filler Injectables 

Dermal fillers can be a game-changer for maintaining a youthful appearance and enhancing your natural beauty during the summer months. Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, and RHA are great for the summertime to achieve a radiant and youthful look. HA fillers help hydrate the skin, minimize fine lines and wrinkles, and add natural volume to combat signs of aging and dehydration. With minimal downtime, HA filler treatments are convenient for maintaining a vibrant appearance amidst summer activities. Our favorite lip filler treatments are perfect for that no-makeup look you may be trying to achieve but with a natural lip enhancement result. Whether it’s smoothing out wrinkles or enhancing facial contours and lips, fillers provide long-lasting results and bring back that inner confidence to keep you going through the summer. It is important to find an experienced injector to properly customize your treatments and optimize results.

Ultherapy for Facial Aesthetics 

Ultherapy is a non-invasive treatment ideal for summer, offering skin tightening benefits without downtime. With all the confusing devices at med spas right now–VERVE is proud to present Ultherapy — the only FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts the neck, chin, and brow and improves lines and wrinkles on the upper chest.  And did we mention Ultherapy is the 10 years in a row New Beauty Magazine Award Winner for Skin Tightening? This marvel of modern science uses focused ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production deep within the skin. This procedure is perfect for rejuvenating sun-exposed skin, as it gradually enhances elasticity and reduces fine lines. The major advantage to this treatment over other devices is that there is essentially no downtime so Ultherapy allows you to enjoy immediate results and a refreshed appearance throughout the sunny season, making it one of the most popular treatments for achieving firmer, more youthful skin. Schedule your appointment for Ultherapy Skin Tightening in New York and New Jersey today and discover the absolute best collagen stimulation device today.

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So enhance your natural beauty and put your best self forward with VERVE beauty and wellness treatments. We go beyond the med spa with aesthetic services vetted in medicine and backed by 24 years of experience by founder and medical director, Stephen P. Bracci, MD.

So go beyond the medspa and boost your summer confidence at VERVE. Contact us for a complimentary consultation in NYC and NJ. We got you covered! 

In addition to these top summer treatments, VERVE offers laser hair removal, as well as customized under-eye treatments, non-surgical filler based facelifts, and Sculptra buttock non-surgical BBL injections in  NY and NJ.  At VERVE we got you covered for every summer event to bring out your radiant beauty and enhance the appearance of your skin.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

Free Consult

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Bracci

VERVE offers a free consult for every procedure to ensure you are have all the information when choosing the right cosmetic procedure from an expert you can trust for full facial rejuvenation and eye bag elimination, Verve Medical Cosmetics offers the most focused non-surgical solutions.

Free Consult